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Woffice - Intranet, Extranet & Project Management WordPress Theme

Woffice - Intranet, Extranet & Project Management WordPress Theme 5.4.7

April 30th, 2024 - Version 5.4.7​

  • FIXED Post/Page Title Rendering
  • FIXED BuddyPress Pages Responsiveness.
  • FIXED Woffice Poll Results Issue.
  • FIXED Woffice Calendar String Translation.
  • UPDATED Slack Extension Integration.
  • UPDATED Slider Revolution 6.7.7.
  • UPDATED WooCommerce compatibility.

March 19th, 2024 - Version 5.4.1​

  • FIXED BuddyPress Members and group pages design.
  • UPDATED EventON Calendar 4.6.
January 22nd, 2024 - Version 5.3.6
- (ADDED) Menu Color options.
- (ADDED) Menu Font options.
- (UPDATED) EventON calendar 4.5.7, EventOn Asset 2.1.
- (FIXED) Directroy map visiblity issue
- (FIXED) Minor bugs.
August 30th, 2023 - Version 5.2.3
- (Fixed) Personal Calendar visibility issue on BuddPress.
- (Fixed) BuddPress group visibility issue
- (UPDATED) Rev Slider 6.6.16, EventON calendar 4.4.4.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

July 10th, 2023 - Version 5.2.0​

  • Fixed Compatibility with Paid Membership Pro plugin.
  • UPDATED Rev Slider 6.6.14, WPBackery 6.13.0, EventON calendar 4.4.1,EventON Full cal 2.0.5.
  • FIXED Removed DP Pro Event calendar support.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

March 27th, 2023 - Version 5.1.7​

  • FIXED Menu font family issue
  • FIXED Minor bugs.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= March 1st, 2023 – Version 5.1.4 =
  • (UPDATED) Migrated general options from Unyson to redux framework.
  • (FIXED) Minor bugs.
  • (UPDATED) Woocommerce templates.
  • (UPDATED) Rev Slider 6.6.11, EventON calendar 4.3.4.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= February 9th, 2023 – Version 5.1.1 =
  • (UPDATED) Custom code options from Unyson to redux framework.
= January 31st, 2023 – Version 5.0.9 =
  • (ADDED) Titlebox, BuddyPress Cover Options via Redux framework.
  • (ADDED) Menu Hover & Click Options via Redux framework.
  • (ADDED) Stellar demo in demo import.
  • (UPDATED) Login page UI.
  • (UPDATED) Rev Slider 6.6.10, EventON calendar 4.3.1,
  • (FIXED) Page templates layout.
  • (FIXED) Menu visibility for non loggedin user.
  • (FIXED) Slider visibility on blog page.
  • (FIXED) Archive title issue.
  • (FIXED) Woffice Timeline conflict with Woffice event.