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Voxel - Multi Purpose Wordpress Dynamic Theme

Voxel - Multi Purpose Wordpress Dynamic Theme 1.4.3 NULLED

Changelog: v1.4.3​

  • Post type editor: Added “Duplicate field” action
  • Post type editor: Added support for inserting new filters and ordering options using drag and drop
  • Added new options in the Post type editor:
    • Hierarchical: Set whether the post type is hierarchical (e.g. the native Pages post type)
    • Page attributes: Set whether to display the native Page Attributes metabox when editing posts
    • Publicly queryable: Control frontend access to the post type archive and individual posts
    • Permalinks > With front: Set whether the static permalink front (if set in Settings > Permalinks) is prepended to the post permalink
    • Archive page: Set whether the post type should have a frontend archive page
    • Archive page slug: Control what URL slug to use for the Archive page link
  • Product types: Added new “Data inputs” module
    • Allows for collection additional information from customers
    • Supported input types: Text, Textarea, Number, Select, Multiselect, Email, URL, Switcher
  • Product types: Added support for promotion codes in Stripe Checkout
  • Membership checkout: Added support for Billing Address and Phone Number collection
  • Visibility rules > User has bought product: Added ability to specify a product ID
  • Visibility rules: Added new “User is customer of author” rule
  • Booking app events: Added new “Booking placed” event
  • Product Types > Settings > Orders: Added “Enable direct messages” option
  • Membership: Added “Edit plan” action in the user membership details screen
    • Added ability to assign premium plans using a subscription ID, payment ID, or manually (without payment)
    • Added “Eligible for free trial?” toggle when assignig a user to the default free plan
  • Tweak: Guest checkout: “Pay now” button is now disabled until the customer checks the Terms of Service checkbox
  • Tweak: Cart summary: Display “Free” when the cart item subtotal is 0
  • Tweak: Recurring date field: “All-day event” is now unchecked by default when adding a new date
  • Tweak: Single order screen: Customer avatar now links to the customer profile
  • Tweak: Location filter: Use Enter to select the first auto-complete suggestion and submit the form
  • Fix: Filter popup not closing on outside click in Toggle mode (Desktop)
  • Fix: Description field: New lines not rendered properly in the front-end edit form
  • Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/location-distance-toggle-button-problem/
  • Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/elementor-update-icon-bug/
  • Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/date-field-2/
  • Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/date-picker-not-working-after-update-to-voxel-1-4-2-8/
  • Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/bug-for-taxonomy-terms-limitation/
  • Like
Reactions: ViktorGugo

Changelog: v1.4.2.7​

– Guest checkout: Added support for displaying a Terms & Conditions checkbox when quick registration is enabled
– Post type editor: Added support for inserting new fields using drag and drop
– Taxonomy fields: Added option to use the native WordPress metabox for editing post terms in the backend
– Added new taxonomy setting: “Show this taxonomy in REST API”
– Fixed compatibility issues with Elementor 3.24.0
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/search-bar-is-no-longer-clickable-when-loading-new-results/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/mobile-version-create-post-description-field-scroll-bar/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/texteditor-issue/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/got-error-php-message-php-warning/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/bug-the-icon-color-option-on-search-form-toggle-button/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/font-and-color-option-in-repeater-on-form/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/template-tabs-on-basic-page/
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

Changelog: v1.4.2.5​

– Fix: Post indexing issue caused by Keywords filter
– Fixed: https://getvoxel.io/questions/taxonomy-landing-page-stopped-working/

Changelog: v1.4.2.3​

– Added some missing styling options for markers
– Voxel addon for WP All Import: Added compatibility with the latest version of WP All Import Pro
– Tweak https://getvoxel.io/questions/ex-import-working-hours/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/can-not-edit-my-listing/

Changelog: v1.1 - Untouched.​

– Voxel Library
– Ability to export packages of post types, taxonomies, terms, and product types
– Package importer with ability to pick and map only the data you need from a package
– Preset packages extracted from our demos
– Personal data export for users
– Added “Request download” action in Account security > Personal data > Download personal data
– Added “Export to personal data” setting in the post type editor to set whether posts of that post type are included in user data export requests
– Added support for exporting Timeline posts, reviews, and replies
– Added ability for users to delete their account through Account security > Personal data > Delete my account
– Delete account action requires password confirmation
– Timeline posts, reviews, replies, notifications, and direct messages belonging to that user are automatically deleted
– Added “Delete posts with user” setting in the post type editor, to determine what happens with user’s posts after their account is deleted
– Added search input in Media library popup; supports search by filename and extension
– Added search input in Post relation field
– Added social networks list in Share dialog, with ability to add/remove/reorder what networks are shown through WP Admin > Voxel > Settings > Share menu
– Added setting to enable Gutenberg for custom post types (in Post type editor > General > Other)
– Added setting to enable post excerpt for custom post types (in Post type editor > General > Other)
– Create post > Location field: Added setting for default map zoom level
– Recurring date field dynamic tags:
– Upcoming dates now also include the currently ongoing date (if there is one)
– Added “Is multi-day?” dynamic tag to determine if a date spans multiple days
– Added “Is happening now?” dynamic tag to determine if the current date has begun or not
– Added following date presets for recurring date filter: Upcoming, Next 7 days, Next 30 days, Next 365 days, This year, Next year
– Added Location field dynamic tags for Medium address and Long address (in addition to Short address and Full address)
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/voxel-templates-are-not-transferring-site-to-site/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/arabic-issue-in-archive-page-url/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/local-time-issue/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/user-profile-timeline-review-text-not-being-translated/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/location-omitting-venue-name/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/numbers-after-a-comma-subscriptions/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/bug-during-uploading-image/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/two-way-post-types-relations/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/issues-with-preset-date-filters-for-events-when-selecting-times/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/add-to-pot-file/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/small-bug-showing-back-slash-s/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/bug-quotation-marks-no-output-on-the-map/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/adding-a-table-of-contents-generates-a-critical-error-on-the-site/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/repeater-text-editor/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/multiple-same-loops/
– Fixed https://getvoxel.io/questions/nofollow-attribute-in-nav-bar-vx/
– Added option to enable tooltips for Action List widget items
– Added Countdown (VX) widget
– Added “Add to Google Calendar” and “Add to iCalendar” actions in Action list (VX) widget
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Reactions: raz0r

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Reactions: smurf