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Variation Price Display For WooCommerce Pro

Variation Price Display For WooCommerce Pro 1.1.5

WooCommerce Variation Price Display Pro.jpg

Do you want to modify how your WooCommerce variation price range is displayed in your store? And looking for a way to disable the WooCommerce variation price range and show only the lowest price or the highest price in your WooCommerce variable products?

When you create WooCommerce variable products with multiple prices, the WooCommerce variation prices are displayed as a full range of prices like $10 – $99. This variation price range can sometimes be confusing for your customers when they first visit your product, and it may have a negative impact on your sales conversion rates.

This WooCommerce Variable Price Display plugin helps you to have more control over how the WooCommerce variable price is shown to your consumers in a more user-friendly way.

You will get full control over the WooCommerce variable price range with this WooCommerce variation price display plugin. You may set different variation prices in your WooCommerce variable products, with the help of this plugin, you can show only the lowest price or the highest price with the custom price title (prefix and suffix), as like on AliExpress and Amazon.

Key Features:​

  • Ready to use without any setup.
  • Disable WooCommerce variation price range.
  • Works with WooCommerce variation sale price.
  • Instant update the main price when variation is selected.
  • Show only lowest variation price in WooCommerce variable products.
  • Show only highest variation price in WooCommerce variable products.
  • Show lowest to highest variation price.
  • Show highest to lowest variation price.
  • Enable WooCommerce Product Variation Discount Percentage Badge with the variation sale price.
  • Add custom text before the WooCommerce variable product price. (ex. From: $50)
  • Add custom text after the WooCommerce variable product price. (ex. $50 + VAT)
  • The “From” price title is customizable and translatable.
  • Perfectly works on Shop/Archive and Product page.
  • Enable/Disable option for the Shop/Archive pages.
  • Show/Hide crossed out regular price of the variation sale price.
  • Show/Hide the “Clear” link that appears when selecting a variation.
  • Individual product level settings.
  • Keep enable default price range for specific product.
  • Control the variation price type for each product.
  • Change globally added text BEFORE the price for each product.
  • Change globally added text AFTER the price for each product.
  • All popular page builders compatible.
  • Like
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