• The default language of any content posted is English.
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Ultimate Membership Pro - WordPress Membership

Ultimate Membership Pro - WordPress Membership 12.7 NULLED

Version 12.7 – 07.25.2024
- Fixed: Import via CSV process - no WordPress Role is assigned
- Fixed: Customer Activity Tracking AddOn - not compatible with the new Members Table
- Changed: Subscriptions Table Mobile version
- Fixed: Change Card button displays duplicated fields
- Fixed: Finish Payment through Bank Transfer
- Changed: Extra Condition for pre_get_posts Hook
- Fixed: Cancellation of Recurring Subscriptions paid through Mollie
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
Version 12.6 – 06.12.2024
- Added: Export/Import Section additional functionalities
- Changed: Members Table workflow
- Changed: Template Tags management
- Changed: States field default options based on Default Country
- Changed: Activate free Memberships when no Payment service is activated
- Changed: Import Users&Memberships module workflow
- Fixed: Approve Member manually via UMP Dashboard
- Fixed: Show Labels in the Payments table on Mobile devices
- Fixed: {current_level_expire_date} Tag value in Notifications
- Fixed: Export to CSV process at Members Table
- Fixed: Members table Filter by WordPress Role
- Fixed: Double amount of Total Spent in Members table
- Fixed: Payments Table at WP Multisite environment
- Fixed: Content Access Rules tables Pagination
Version 12.5 – 05.17.2024
- Added: Dynamic Table for Members section
- Added: Email Notifications - On/Off button option
- Fixed: Drip Content incomplete settings Error
- Fixed: Managing the WooCommerce Product linked with a Membership
- Fixed: Infusionsoft library Updating
- Fixed: Admin Menu is not showing up at WP Multisite
- Fixed: Conditional Logic feature for Profile form
- Fixed: Stripe Checkout - Compatibility with Latest API Version
- Fixed: Order Completed Email Notification amount value
- Fixed: Registration form Show Password icons
- Fixed: State fields for Profile form
- Fixed: Constant Contact integration
- Fixed: Woo Payment Integration not working with Woo Blocks
- Fixed: Members are not imported with Import Users & Memberships
- Changed: Tax Calculation at Checkout page
- Changed: Email Notifications setup section and Tags
- Changed: Style at front-end Showcases
- Changed: How Recurring Orders are stored in DB in relation to UAP integration process
- Changed: Stripe now provides additional warnings for failed payment attempts
- Changed: Improve UMP Dashboard UX/UI
- Changed: Dynamic Tables workflow
Version 12.3 – 01.06.2024- Changed: Files Optimization
- Fixed: Functionality when the Default Payment Gateway is missing
- Fixed: The Required option is removed when the Custom Field is removed from Admin Page
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
Version 12.2 – 12.20.2023
- Added: Members counted on each Membership with direct link to the members list
- Fixed: Constant {amount} value and format on certain situations
- Changed: The plugin crons registration process during update
- Fixed: Prorating Subscription management for Lifetime and Limited memberships type
- Changed: Bank Trasfer payments during registration process
Version 12.1 – 11.14.2023
- Fixed: WordPress Native Fields Labels translation
- Changed: Memberships Table when needs to show linked WooCommerce Products
- Fixed: Content Rules Access setup without a selected Membership
- Changed: WorkFlow of Register and Profile Forms for custom fields
- Fixed: Taxes showing up inside Payments table
- Changed: Prorating Subscriptions workflow
- Fixed: Search in Dashboard Tables
- Checked: Compatibility with PHP 8.1+
- Checked: Compatibility with WP 6.4.x
- Changed: Stripe Checkout workflow in particular setup scenarios
- Added: Wizard Setup
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH
Version 12.0.1 – 10.06.2023
- Fixed: The shortcode for direct purchase, ihc-purchase-link
- Changed: Compatibility with WPML plugin
- Fixed: License activation on CloudFlare service
- Fixed: Access Rules - restrictions based on Categories didn't work properly on listed posts showcase
- Fixed: Print Invoice option on Payments table from Admin Dashboard
- Fixed: Custom Banner image for Account Page top section
- Fixed: Filtered Payments based on Members ID
- Added: extra special fields data inside Exported CSV file
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH
Version 11.9 – 07.18.2023
- Improve Compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin
- Improve Reset Password workflow
- Improve Import Users&Memberships module workflow
- Improve Plugin Performance and Speed
- Fix the Predefined subscription option inside the Register form
- Fix Register Redirect+ module workflow
  • Love
Reactions: asenvile
Version 11.8 – 06.15.2023
- Add Debug functions for the_content() filter process
- Improve JS Performance on Front-end side
- Improve Core Coding process
- Improve functionality on particular servers with limited access on certain PHP functions
- Improve Security in Admin Dashboard forms
- Improve "Cancellation Pending" status for recurring Subscriptions
- Fix Invitation Codes counting algorithm