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Ultimate Member + Extensions Bundle

Ultimate Member + Extensions Bundle 2.8.6 NULLED

2.8.6 2024-05-22​

  • Added: Member Directory > Admin Filtering supports datepicker and timepicker filter-types with only “From” or “To” filled value
  • Added: Ability to customize modal templates upload-single.php and view-photo.php
  • Added: New FontAwesome library. Version 6.5.2
= 2.8.3: February 19, 2024 =

* Enhancements:

- Added: Link to the Ultimate Member docs
- Tweak: Ultimate Member > Settings redesign. More details about setting up. Tooltips changed to descriptions.

* Bugfixes:

- Fixed: Member directory queries to custom usermeta table properly escaped and validated
- Fixed: Member directory custom sorting when wp_usermeta table is used
- Fixed: aria-invalid attribute for the user description field
- Fixed: wp_kses protocols for email notifications content
- Fixed: PHP notice while registration form validation
- Fixed: Field validations (English letters, Alpha-numeric types)
- Fixed: Hidden buttons in the modal when uploading profile and cover photo
- Fixed: Theme updater log message
- Fixed: Search line shortcode layout
- Fixed: PHP notice while login form submission
- Fixed: Email notifications HTML layout
- Fixed: Default email notification body color
- Fixed: Ignore username slug when custom meta slug exists when parse user from query

* Templates required update:

- email/notification_deletion.php
- email/notification_new_user.php
- email/notification_review.php
- email/welcome_email.php
- password-change.php

* Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade

2.8.2: JANUARY 15, 2024​

  • Enhancements:
    • Added: The data protocol for embedding base64 encoded logos in emails
    • Added: Hook um_access_restricted_post_instance for filtering the restricted post instance
    • Added: Shortcode [um_author_profile_link] for getting user Profile URL
    • Updated: Using underscore.js native debounce method for resize handler
    • Updated: Texts spelling
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed: AJAX requests conflict with um_current_locale attribute
    • Fixed: Pickadate styling (Date & Time fields) in wp-admin screen
    • Fixed: RTL styling and removed um class from UM frontend predefined pages
    • Fixed: select2 conflict with Impreza theme
    • Fixed: cropper conflict with Avada theme and active Fusion Image lazyload
    • Fixed: MegaMenu conflict with nav menu items conditional settings (e.g. Newsletter theme)
    • Fixed: PHP Fatal error when there isn’t a proper WP_Post object in UM User Profile > Posts loop
    • Fixed: Account styles
    • Fixed: Saving um_form_version postmeta
  • Templates required update:
    • profile/posts-single.php
  • Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade

2.7.0: OCTOBER 11, 2023​

  • Enhancements:
    • Added: Site Health sections
    • Added: oEmbed field type
    • Added: YouTube field type supports YouTube Shorts links
    • Added: Profile permalink base options: Unique hash, Custom usermeta
    • Added: UM Form meta um_form_version for legacy support in the future
    • Added: Setting “Deleting user comments after deleting a user” for WordPress native logic workaround
    • Added: aria-invalid and aria-errormessage attributes to the fields on UM Forms
    • Updated: Structure for enqueue assets PHP classes
    • Updated: Hooks Documentation v2
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed: Member directory search query escaping process
    • Fixed: Added ‘ID’ metakey to the blacklist. It’s not possible to create field with ‘ID’ metakey to avoid the conflict
    • Fixed: Add/Edit Field metabox and “Field Icon”, “Conditional logic” fields
    • Fixed: Init jquery-slider-ui script/style on the block editor page
    • Fixed: Displaying “Notifications Account Tab” setting
    • Fixed: Displaying Post Date on the User Profile > Posts tab based on this article
    • Fixed: Small PHP warning, notices and typos
  • Deprecated:
    • UM()->enqueue() use UM()->frontend()->enqueue() method
    • UM()->admin_enqueue() use UM()->admin()->enqueue() method
    • UM()->admin_enqueue()->suffix property use UM()->frontend()->enqueue()::get_suffix()
    • UM()->admin()->enqueue()->suffix property use UM()->frontend()->enqueue()::get_suffix()
    • Changed directories for the fonts (fonticons + raty), and JS/CSS files related to libs jquery-ui, raty, select2, tipsy, fonticons (FontAwesome + Ionicons)
  • Templates required update:
    • account.php
    • login.php
    • password-change.php
    • password-reset.php
    • register.php
    • profile/posts-single.php
  • Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade

2.6.11: SEPTEMBER 06, 2023​

  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed: Empty mail From data when there isn’t set an option
    • Fixed: Nonce validation for the admin actions handler
    • Fixed: REST API endpoint List Pages redirecting to the homepage
    • Fixed: Standardize the ‘editable’ attribute for the UM fields and hooks that can extend these fields
    • Fixed: Redirection from default WordPress registration to UM registration page (if it’s not a published)

2.6.7: JULY 1, 2023​

  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed: A privilege escalation vulnerability used through UM Forms. Known in the wild that vulnerability allowed strangers to create administrator-level WordPress users. Please update immediately and check all administrator-level users on your website.
    • Fixed: Displaying fields on Account page > Privacy > Member directory settings
    • Fixed: Allowed types for the file field
    • Fixed: Disabled weekdays for the datepicker field
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

2.6.6: JUNE 29, 2023​

  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed: Password Confirm field and validation
    • Fixed: Form Builder row editing
    • Fixed: Spotify URL user URL display on user profile
    • Fixed: Spotify URL validation
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

2.6.2: MAY 31, 2023​

  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed: Email notifications sending
    • Fixed: File and Image uploaders and allowed types data for them
    • Fixed: Content field-type editor in wp-admin Form Builder
    • Fixed: Image and File uploaders max size saving in wp-admin Form Builder
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221

2.6.0: MARCH 29, 2023​

  • Enhancements:
    • Added: Hook arguments ($form_id, $not_searched) to ‘um_members_directory_head’
    • Added: Using user locale get_user_locale() for localization with the 1st priority
    • Added: Hooks to change the profile SEO image: ‘um_profile_dynamic_meta_image_size’, ‘um_profile_dynamic_meta_image_type’
    • Added: Filter for making 3rd-party roles editable through Ultimate Member interfaces. Use ‘um_extend_editable_roles’ and pass there an array of role keys( e.g. ‘editor’, ‘administrator’, etc. )
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixed: Major issues with the Member Directory search line
    • Fixed: Social links (Twitch, TikTok, Reddit) colors in profile header
    • Fixed: Exclude registered date field from editable fields
    • Fixed: Create the custom table for usermeta if does not exists
    • Fixed: Locale loading time and hook for that
    • Fixed: Used wp_unslash() for input POST data on Change Password
    • Fixed: Role setting “Avoid indexing profile by search engines”
    • Fixed: Date Picker field value format for 3rd-party integration meta fields
    • Fixed: Last login timestamp being lost in the users cache
    • Fixed: Textdomain typos
    • Fixed: Small PHP warnings and notices
  • Deprecated:
    • Deprecated: VKontakte and Google+ predefined fields. VKontakte and Google+ fields validation changed to just URL validation.
  • Templates required update:
    • members.php