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[TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

Xenforo [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal 1.0.10

License Information
Compatible XF 2.x versions 2.1 2.2
[TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

[TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal

Featured Threads and Content

Draw attention and maintain engagement with featured threads, resources, and media items! Spotlighting your favorite and valuable content gives your community an easy way to see some of the best information on your site. Create a page displaying featured content and make a widget too!

Administrator Features
  • Set up criteria to automatically feature content with Content, User, and User field criteria
  • Choose the order in which auto feature criteria will be checked
  • Choose how many featured items can be displayed per page
  • Choose the maximum excerpt length for featured items
  • Allow moderators to feature threads, polls, media and resources
  • Create a widget to display featured content
  • Choose the number of featured content items to be displayed on the widget
  • Set the pixels you would like all uploaded slider background images to be
  • Determine how long content can remain featured or leave it featured indefinitely
  • Display a user’s current featured content on a "Featured content" tab on their member profile
  • Apply a prefix to featured threads
  • Show the first post at the top of all pages in the featured thread
  • Determine the size and style icons should be for the featured content
  • Add advertisements above and below feature message content
  • Choose whether or not users can dismiss features from widgets in permissions
User Features
  • Easily identify and view featured content
  • Have their currently featured content displayed on their member profile
  • Dismiss features from displaying in widgets if you have the appropriate permissions
  • [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal2.jpg
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    [TH] Featured Threads and Content Portal17.png
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Reactions: Sabrina and raz0r
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