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SUMO Reward Points - WooCommerce Reward System

SUMO Reward Points - WooCommerce Reward System 30.6.0

Version 30.6.0 on 30 August 2024
New: Available Points & Points Redeemed through Reward Points Gateway can be displayed in the Edit Order Page & PDF Invoice
Tweak: Improvement made in User Role Filter on Product Purchase Module
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v9.2.3
Fix: Redeemed Points Value is not updated when the product is added from the product page
Fix: Unable to save the settings in Referral System Module(Theme Conflict)
Fix: Quantity Selector is not displayed on the product page when the earned level is enabled
Version 30.3.0 on 26 June 2024
New: Compatibility given with WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce[Product Purchase Feature]
Tweak: Improvement made when applying points & excluding category for redeeming field is left empty
Tweak: Validation improvement in Minimum points to be entered for Redeeming and Maximum Points for Redeeming for auto-redeeming fields
Tweak: Improvement made in Auto Redeeming
Tweak: Tested with WordPress 6.5.5
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 9.0.2
Fix: Sign-up points awarded twice
Fix: Fatal error in the Gift Voucher Module
Fix: Maximum Redeeming Threshold Value (Discount) Type is validated for Product Total
Fix: Free Product is not removed properly
Fix: Free product is not added when customers go to checkout directly
Fix: Deprecated warning error displayed in cart and checkout when free product is added
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Reactions: MarkDragon
Version 30.1.0 on 30 April 2024
Tweak: Earned Points revision issue based on the order status settings[Compatability with MultivendorX plugin]
Tweak: Improvement in removing the applied points
Tweak: Tested with WordPress 6.5.2
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 8.8.2
Fix: Order ID is not recorded properly when the ID length exceeds more value
Fix: Shortcode[rs_unsubscribe_email] breaks the page
Fix: Incorrect Redeeming Value shows when Maximum Redeeming Threshold is enabled
Fix: Maximum Redeeming threshold for discount validation is not working for a percentage of the cart total.
Fix: A non-numeric value is encountered in the category product page when the point price is enabled
Fix: Points that can be earned message is not displayed in the cart table
Fix: Incorrect points value error when using the Reward Points Gateway
Fix: Email is not sending from the Email Module
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Reactions: MarkDragon
Version 29.8.0 on 28 December 2023
  • New: Admin can manually apply the points for their users when creating orders
  • New: SUMO Reward Points Payment Gateway supported for Manual Orders[Normal Products & Point Price Products]
  • Tweak: Improvement in displaying SUMO Reward Points Payment Gateway in the Pay Order Page
  • Tweak: Tested with WordPress 6.4.2
  • Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 8.4.0
  • Fix: Earn Points based on discounted price is not working
  • Fix: Redeemed Points deducted double the times when canceling the order
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Reactions: MarkDragon
Version 29.6.0 on 21 October 2023
New: Option to display the earn points message on Custom Taxonomy Pages
Tweak: Display improvement in Multi-Select option
Tweak: Code Improvements
Tweak: Tested with WordPress 6.3.2
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 8.2.1
Fix: Points are not awarded based on discounted price when creating the order manually
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
Version 29.4.0 on 05 September 2023
New: Email Notification to admin when a user has joined the Rewards Program
Tweak: Improvement in adding Only Point Price products with multiple quantities to the cart
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.3.1
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v8.0.3
Tweak: Tested with PHP v8.2.0
Fix: HTML Tags displayed in Button Type Redeeming Notice & Minimum Cart Total Restriction Notice
Version 29.0 on 26 June 2023
Tweak: Compatible with High-Performance Order Storage[HPOS]
Tweak: Improvement made in Product/Category Filter in Redeeming Points Module
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.2.2 and WooCommerce v7.8.0
Fix: Reward Points Payment Gateway is not displaying on Pay for Order Page
Fix: Restricting Product Purchase Points option on Renewal Orders is not working[Compatibility with SUMO Subscriptions] Fix: Email Share Button is not displaying for the Static Referral Link
Fix: First Product Purchase Points are not awarded when purchasing Subscription Products
Version 28.7 on 27 November 2022
New: Added Email Share button for Referral Link
New: Points Validity can be set for Birthday Reward Points
New: Option to Export the Reports based on User Role & Email ID
Tweak: Improvement in displaying Birthday Date Picker based on Rewards Program Opt-in
Tweak: Improvement in Pagination for My Rewards Table
Tweak: Improvement in calculating Points for Variations
Tweak: Improvement in shortcodes used in the SMS Module
Tweak: Following Improvements made in Payment Gateway Reward Points
- Points can be awarded based on Decimal Value
- Modified the position of the Earn Points Message displayed at checkout
Tweak: Improvement in displaying SUMO Discounts Compatibility Menu
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.1.1 & WooCommerce v7.2.1
Version 28.5 on 17 November 2022
Tweak: Improvement made in Points Expiry Value in Email
Tweak: Currency & Point Price display improvement in Subtotal
Tweak: Improvement made when using WooCommerce Coupon & Points in the same order
Tweak: Improvement made in saving the default values in the Email Module
Tweak: Improvement made in awarding Free Product based on Member Level
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.1.1 & v7.1
Fix: Thousand separator value for points is not calculated in the Master Log
Fix: Warning error when manually creating the orders
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Reactions: tatar221