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Smart School : School Management System [QDOCS]

Smart School : School Management System [QDOCS] 7.0.1 NULLED

Version 7.0.1​

Released Date: 18 July 2024
General Changes
  1. Updated legacy FCM api to latest HTTP api for android app push notification
  2. Examination print marksheet watermark text removed
  3. Promote Students Select all checkbox added
  4. Issue Book, dropdown updated to searchable dropdown for search book
  5. Examination exam list order by exam id descending order
Bug Fixes
  1. Edit subject issue
  2. Stripe static currency sign ($) issue
  3. Add chat staff and student image display issue
  4. Online exam descriptive type answer issue
  5. February month end date display issue
  6. Add fees date picker header display issue
  7. Send SMS library issue
  8. Student search list change (100 to all) datatable issue
  9. Balance Fees Statement, Transport Fees display issue
  10. Print issue in generate certificate
  11. Print marksheet landscape/portrait issue
  12. Toyyibpay payment gateway issue
  13. Chat sidebar issue in high resolution 1. Class time table mobile view responsive issue
  14. At some pages date picker issue
  15. Student profile fees tab fine amount calculation issue
  16. Teachers rating page issue
  17. Print id card issue
  18. Fees collection report, group by filter total amount calculation issue
  19. If due date not submitted at some places like add fees page error occurring issue
Not Nulled thanks to @iranthavan

Released Date: 9 January, 2024

General Changes

  • Whole system updated for PHP version 8.1 and PHP 7.x is now not supported
  • Whole system updated for Codeigniter 3 latest version 3.1.13
  • Updated Edit and Delete timetable
  • Student information student list Roll no. added
  • Collect fees student mobile no added
  • Front site at exam result page student class section added
  • Dashboard graph transport fees added
  • Student and Staff attendance, date and source column added
  • Class and Teacher timetable, print added

Feature Enhancement

  • Added support for QR / Barcode auto attendance addon
  • ID Card scan code QR / Barcode added
  • Edit radio button to set attendance for all as for Student and Staff
  • Student and Staff day wise attendance report added
  • Added display button to show hosting PHP environment info
Bug Fixes
  • Copying old lessons and topics creates a new lesson for every topics
  • Edit student if hostel module disable so fees part not showing
  • Mobile view dashboard search student not showing
  • Fees collection report search by group amount bug
  • Quick search link attendance module all links showing bug
  • Daily collection report amount sorting issue in other currency (lbp)
  • Single page print issue
  • Student profile report admission date and messerment date null issue
  • In system field if Student Photo disabled then at student panel topbar student image dispaly issue
  • Evaluate homework uploaded documents issue
  • In teacher-restricted mode exam subject issue
  • If a student remains absent for the current examination and the results are published, rank generated display incorrectly
  • While taking an exam print, print page open in new tab issue
  • Print issues in chrome
  • Front site responsive design issues
  • Fixed many design issues
  • Fixed many RTL related issues
Released Date: 4 August, 2023

General Changes

  • 1. Added Transport fees in reports
  • 2. SMS Country API updated
Bug Fixes
  • Notice Board design issue and roles and permissions issue
  • Video Tutorial Teacher Restricted Mode issue
  • Currency List toggle button design issue
  • Attendance from 1 to 9 date display issue
  • Student and Parent login issue
  • Examination print marksheet class name display issue
  • Office Copy and Student Copy print blank page issue
  • Student details select class and search issue
  • Mobile browsers responsive page display and scroll issue
  • Student Fees print and Transport Fees print time footer text display issue
  • Midtrans, Onepay and some other payment gateway issues
  • Front site design issue
  • Topic list shorting issue
  • Print header footer for online admission receipt print issue
  • Balance fees report search issue
  • SMS and push notification for student and parent sending issue
  • Student panel, online fees payment invoice/payment id display issue
  • Media Manager multiple file upload issue
  • In student profile if we change language then attendance display issue
  • Front site pagination issue
  • During fees submission currency sign duplicate display issue
  • Front site news display issue
  • Student panel, edit student profile form custom field issue
  • Attendance report, percentage not showing green/red as per normal/low attendance limit setting issue
  • General design and some minor issues

Version 6.4.0​

Released Date: 20 February, 2023

General Changes
  • During form submit loader image added
  • In Online Exam, Upcoming Exam and Closed Exam tab added in both admin and student panel
  • Question import count show after successful question csv import
  • Added Student's name in Online Exam Result and Online Exam Report
  • Added fee note in the fee receipt print
  • Required field for section removed from Reports > Finance > Balance Fees Report
  • In Homework, Upcoming Homework and Closed Homework tab added in both admin and student panel
  • In student panel homework default status changed
  • From language list page now you can edit country code for changing country flag
  • General Settings page design updated with tabs
  • Whole language translation updated, now keys created according to whole label string (instead of word concatenation).
  • RTL mode removed from General Settings and can be manage from language list page
  • Student profile page design improved
  • Front office admission enquiry class filter added
  • 404 page now load with header footer
  • Reports > Fees Collection Report, Select Criteria Class and Section added
  • Separate Notification Setting for to send staff login credential and student login credential added.
  • Student Attendance Type Report, Count column added
  • Separated student and parent credential report

Feature Enhancement

  • Added support for Multi Branch addon
  • Added support for Behaviour Records addon
  • Added support for Two Factor Authentication addon
  • Added support for CBSE Examination addon
  • Whole new improved Download Center module to work as Document Management System
  • Transportation module updated and added Transportation Fees mechanism
  • Added Student Dashboard page
  • Added Average Passing examination pattern
  • Added Amount Format
  • Added Multi Currency option to enable multiple currencies at same time
  • Added Amazon AWS SES support for enterprise grade email delivery
  • Added Maintenance Mode
  • Added 7 new payment gateways - 2Checkout, Payhere, Mollie, Skrill, Cashfree, Payfast, ToyyibPay
  • Added Offline Bank Payment option in Student Panel
  • Added smseg SMS gateway
  • Added Croatian language
  • Added whole new Mega Menu as Quick Link to show all admin menu items at once
  • Added in Communicate module Custom Email/SMS Template, Scheduling of Email/SMS and Scheduled Email/SMS Log
  • Added in Examination module send result exam marksheet pdf file through email, download exam marksheet pdf file in bulk
  • Added in Examination module marks division master
  • If student not pay fees then automatically disable student panel all options except fees submission page
  • Added option to control Superadmin visibility
  • Now Pass Out students can also login in student panel and check their old academic data
  • Added Staff Biometric Attendance through Smart School Biometric Attendance App
  • Added fully auto attendance submission for present and absent student through Smart School Biometric Attendance App
  • Alternate username option for student/parent login. Student can login using admission number, mobile, email and parent can login using email, mobile.
  • In frontsite Exam Result page added so student can view their result directly using roll no or admission no
  • Added option to enable only student or parent panel
  • Assign fees during student admission or by edit student
  • Added barcode (based on admission number) in student id card and profile
  • Added barcode (based on staff id number) in staff id card and profile
  • Added option for number of words restriction in descriptive type question in online exam
  • Added percentage wise fee discount in Fees Collection
  • Added to print fees receipt/challan upto 3 copies (Office, Student, Bank) in a single page
  • Added Online admission fees collection report
  • Added remark in Balance Fees Report
  • Added Daily Assignment Report
  • Added Homework Report
  • Added marks assessment option in Homework/Assignment
  • Added Daily Assignments under Homework
  • Added file remove option in Staff/Student ID Card and Design Marksheet edit page
  • Added Discussion Forum at Lesson Plan page
  • Added notification recipient checkbox at Notification Setting page
  • Added dedicated page to post YouTube video tutorial links
  • Added, edit option in salary generation page so partial salary can pay
  • Added option to enable/disable fees collection in back date
  • Added Calendar Event Reminder based on cron jobs
  • Added Student Apply Leave notification email
  • Added Staff Apply Leave notification email
  • Added to print online exam question paper taking offline exam
  • Added option to generate quick timetable
  • Added multiple fees group selection in Search Due Fees
  • Added filter in online examinations question bank
  • Added attendance tab in student profile page to see yearly attendance
  • Added "Meeting With" in Visitor Book, it also visible in student/staff panel
  • Added option to upload Admission Application Form pdf file which can be download from front site Online Admission form page
  • Added attachment option in Notice Board
  • Added dynamic sidebar in admin panel for better control over views
  • Added option so now student can also add note in his own timeline
  • Added option to upload login page background image and updated whole login page design
  • Added many performance related improvements

Bugs Fixed

  • Media manager data showing issue
  • Datatable issue fixed from admission report, student details, homework list
  • Search using reference number issue in online admission list
  • Student profile report page list display issue
  • In Question Bank, teacher to see only their created question option issue
  • In multi class feature student login and select class issue
  • Fee Submission notification template bug
  • Edit Lesson Plan Topic issue
  • Exam Rank Report father name is disabled but in table header label is showing issue
  • Language RTL Mode issues
  • Online exam quiz check uncheck issue in list view
  • Payu payment gateway cancel url issue and language issue on online admission payment
  • PayPal payment issue on student fees and online admission student fees
  • Front site banner image overlap issue
  • Search Income page Search Type period range filter issue
  • In fees collection receipt student full name not showing
  • In sidebar Online Admission Setting menu active issue
  • Class Timetable not showing in ascending order by time
  • Exams Rank Report absent student rank issue
  • Online Examinations, math editor data not showing proper in result page and view question modal
  • If front cms disabled then frontsite Online Admission Check Your Form Status working issue.
  • Student Information, Student Details search issue in safari browser
  • Online Admission setting, Instructions and Terms & Conditions save issue if Online Admission Payment Option disabled
  • Class Timetable, add Timetable roles and permissions missing.
  • In Fees Collection Report, last session student pending fees search issue
  • Media manager mp4 and pdf file uploading issue
  • When Front CMS is disabled, redirect to the login page issue
  • Africas Talking sms gateway short code required issue
  • In Add Exam, teacher restricted mode issue
  • Examination print marksheet consolidate marks calculation issue
  • Search due fees, removed 0.00 balance fees student from list
  • Session destroy in chrome browser when make payment with CCavenue, Jazzcash, Payu payment gateway
  • Student profile sibling student default image not showing if in database column value is null
  • Student profile Admission Date format issue
  • Reset password page favicon image update issue
  • Admit card subject order issue
  • Staff profile attendance tab design issue
  • Auto backup using cron backup file version issue
  • Student panel notification issue
  • Student panel > Online Exam descriptive question attachment issue
  • Human Resource Report, Staff Report, Search Type (By Date Of Joining) issue
  • Hostel report hostel name missing issue
  • Student Information > Student Details after search sorting by date of birth issue
  • Fixed many design issues
  • Fixed many RTL mode issues