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RISE - Ultimate Project Manager & CRM System

RISE - Ultimate Project Manager & CRM System 3.7.1 NULLED

Version 3.7.1 – 09 September, 2024​

  • [Updated] Upgrade Codeigniter to latest v4.5.5
  • [Updated] Improve security against SQL injection and XSS
  • [Updated] When adding expenses in a project, show option to select the client also
  • [Fixed] In dark theme, tinyMCE editor color should not be black
  • [Fixed] Can't upload images in custom pages
  • [Fixed] Can't view some notes in the grid view
  • [Fixed] Line-break is missing in different descriptions

Version 3.7 – 31 August, 2024​

  • [Added] PWA for mobile
  • [Added] Automation settings for tickets
  • [Added] reCaptcha v3 integration
  • [Added] TinyMCE text editor integration
  • [Added] Batch update/delete option for leads
  • [Added] Folders in project files section
  • [Added] Grid view for notes
  • [Added] Flexible invoice number format settings
  • [Added] New notifications for proposal events
  • [Added] New option to convert the proposal to contract
  • [Added] Smart filters in gantt, invoices, proposals, estimates, contracts, subscriptions, payments and orders list
  • [Added] Show the primary contact phone number in the leads list view
  • [Added] New status and label filters in the tickets list view
  • [Added] Dynamic class on all pages to identify the page and user for custom CSS
  • [Added] New reminder settings and notifications for subscriptions
  • [Added] Timesheet in the team member details page
  • [Added] Show the tickets tab in project details page for clients.
  • [Added] New option to create project from proposal
  • [Added] Option to disable pdf from proposals and contracts for clients
  • [Added] New option to create tasks without any related to context
  • [Added] New option to share events with both team members and client contacts.
  • [Added] New option to clone sub task as a main task or a sub task
  • [Updated] Design improved on all over the app for different themes
  • [Updated] Upgrade Codeigniter to latest v4.5.4
  • [Updated] Improved restrictions against XSS and SQL injection
  • [Updated] Updated Moment.js
  • [Updated] Support web-hook for stripe payment responses
  • [Updated] Show all projects in the projects list by default
  • [Fixed] Some team member can see the client info but can’t see the contact details
  • [Fixed] Task reminder email shows duplicate tasks
  • [Fixed] Can’t create multiple folders on client detail page
  • [Fixed] Some list view print shows wrong summation
  • [Fixed] Session data removing issue in cron job
  • [Fixed] Excel export issue in tasks and other pages
  • [Fixed] Subscriptions invoice email notification not being logged
  • [Fixed] Problem in order notification
  • [Fixed] Folder creation date time issue

Version 3.6.1 – 13 March, 2024​

  • [Added] Added GST number in the company settings and applied on invoice, estimate and other places
  • [Fixed] Knowledge base page is not loading
  • [Fixed] Some notifications are not working
  • [Fixed] Wrong currency symbol in the invoice overview widget
  • [Fixed] Some security issues in the client details page
  • [Fixed] Client currency editing error

Version 3.5.3 – 29 August, 2023​

  • [Updated] Updated outlook IMAP email parser.
  • [Updated] Added custom fields in the embedded ticket form.
  • [Fixed] Team members can't open the leads notes.
  • [Fixed] File uploading is not working in some servers.

Version 3.5.2 – 17 August, 2023​

  • [Updated] Manually uploaded plugins installation option added.
  • [Updated] Improved google drive upload memory use.
  • [Fixed] Proposal item description is not visible in the proposal details page.
  • [Fixed] Deadline color on tasks not showing properly.
  • [Fixed] Error for left menu undefined key.
  • [Fixed] Task finished notification for kanban view task move.
  • [Fixed] Event calendar and reminder date time error.
  • [Fixed] Project task don't have all project members to assign.
  • [Fixed] Incompatibility with php 8.2+.
  • [Fixed] Bug on subscription invoice notifications.
  • [Fixed] Broken modal link for import modal of lead kanban view.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

Version 3.5.1 – 4 August, 2023​

  • [Added] Invoice, estimate, proposal and contract lock state settings added.
  • [Updated] Invoice, estimate, proposal and contract lock state restriction applied based on the settings.
  • [Updated] Shown the Next billing date in the subscriptions.
  • [Fixed] Custom Reports menu is not clickable.
  • [Fixed] Mention is not working in rich text editor.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

Version 3.5 – 29 July, 2023​

After upgrading to v3.5, the recommended php version is 8.1.
  • [Added] Option to create custom smart filters.
  • [Added] Option to bookmark any smart filter and access the bookmarks by single click.
  • [Added] Remember lastly selected smart filter and auto apply the filter on next visit.
  • [Added] Smart filter added on tasks list & kanban, projects list, client list, leads list & kanban and tickets list page.
  • [Added] New option in invoice to create credit note.
  • [Added] New filter in the invoice list to see invoice/credit note.
  • [Added] Option to set taxable/non-taxable item on invoice.
  • [Added] Option to add general tasks in different contexts.
  • [Added] Reminders in the invoice, order, subscription, estimate, proposal and contract details page.
  • [Added] Tasks tab in invoice, order, subscription, estimate, proposal, contract and tickets details page.
  • [Added] Public page for the store.
  • [Added] Store setting to enable/disable the public store page.
  • [Added] Store setting to accept orders before login.
  • [Added] Store setting to accept payment after submitting order.
  • [Added] New settings to add new project status.
  • [Added] New settings to set time with task start date and deadline.
  • [Added] Option set task start time and deadline with time in the task add/edit modal and task details view.
  • [Added] Invoice yearly, monthly and custom summary reports.
  • [Added] Added expenses yearly, monthly and custom summary reports.
  • [Added] Added expenses yearly bar chart report.
  • [Added] Added expenses category wise pie chart report.
  • [Added] Project summary report based on team members.
  • [Added] Project summary report based on clients.
  • [Added] Leads to client conversion monthly bar chart report, lead source wise report and owner wise report.
  • [Added] Leads summary report based on team members.
  • [Added] Ticket statistics monthly chart report.
  • [Added] The owner field in leads import from an excel file.
  • [Added] Notes tab in team members details page.
  • [Added] New role permissions for activate/deactivate and delete team members.
  • [Added] Option to create labels for clients and leads.
  • [Added] Label filter in the client list, leads list and leads Kanban page.
  • [Added] New general settings option to set custom landing page.
  • [Added] Notifications for subscription started and subscription invoice creation.
  • [Added] Start date filter in the projects list.
  • [Added] Support custom domain for stripe payment.
  • [Added] Added breadcrumbs in knowledge base posts.
  • [Added] 3 new email templates.
  • [Added] 8 new notifications for general task events.
  • [Added] New option to create full width custom pages.
  • [Added] New option to create top bar less custom page.
  • [Added] New settings to set custom top menu in the public pages.
  • [Added] Task edit/delete option in the global task list.
  • [Added] Show the company switching option in mobile view in the client portal.
  • [Added] Task settings option to support 0 in task points.
  • [Added] Cleanup function to remove old session data by cron job.
  • [Updated] Invoice, order, estimate, proposal, contract, subscription and ticket details page design.
  • [Updated] Prevent editing of invoice/order/estimate/proposal/contract after certain state.
  • [Updated] Upgraded codeigniter to latest v4.3.6.
  • [Updated] Upgraded pusher library to latest version.
  • [Updated] Improve the invoice overview and other widgets loading time.
  • [Updated] The Reports submenus are deleted and moved to the top bar of the Reports page.
  • [Updated] The design of filters on all pages.
  • [Updated] Updated the events widget design.
  • [Updated] Design of knowledge base pages.
  • [Updated] Improved IMAP checking speed.
  • [Updated] Google API client to latest version.
  • [Updated] Moved footer settings to a tab beside the general settings.
  • [Updated] Hide unnecessary settings of disabled modules.
  • [Updated] Don’t show more than 100 rows in table for server side filtering tables.
  • [Fixed] Task comments pdf attachment preview.
  • [Fixed] Recurring task creation is not working.
  • [Fixed] Can’t remember lastly selected dashboard.
  • [Fixed] Sometimes the email sent from address is missing in the email settings page.
  • [Fixed] Error in max file size checking.
  • [Fixed] Events widget is not showing all upcoming events.
  • [Fixed] Sometimes the project task deadline reminder is not working.
  • [Fixed] Dashboard widget height for mobile view.
  • [Fixed] Google calendar doesn’t show multi day event correctly.
  • [Fixed] Text after % is not working in description.
  • [Fixed] Multiple image uploading is not working in rich text editor.
  • [Fixed] Orders sort is not working by ID
  • [Fixed] Public invoice URL is not working in recurring invoice email.
  • [Fixed] Reminder saving error when there is any google calendar integration.
  • [Fixed] RISE shared events are changing to private because of google calendar integration
  • [Fixed] Send invoices and contracts using recipient user’s language
  • [Fixed] Don’t show inactive category/articles in the knowledge base.
  • [Fixed] First billing date is not working with subscription.
  • [Fixed] Don’t show time in the calendar event if don’t have any time.
  • [Fixed] Add invoice payment modal shows wrong decimal separator.
  • [Fixed] Ticket assign bug for some non-admin users.
  • [Fixed] Modal closing bug when editing a link (summernote) from any modal.
Version 3.4.1 – 02 April, 2023

[Updated] Added pagination in tasks kanban page to improve loading speed
[Updated] Description should not be required in event
[Fixed] Subscription item is not loading and saving issues
[Fixed] Missing invoice logo issue
[Fixed] Error in custom payment method saving
[Fixed] URL shows double slash
[Fixed] Error in file upload
[Fixed] Error in signup page
Version 3.4 – 25 March, 2023
[Added] Subscriptions module
[Added] Leads overview widget
[Added] My tasks overview widget
[Added] Option to merge 2 tickets into one
[Added] Show tasks count and percentage in milestone
[Added] Option to add 2nd reminder for invoice due date and overdue
[Added] New email templates for different types of task notifications
[Added] New permission to see notes in client portal
[Added] GST Number in client profile and show on estimate and invoice
[Added] Option to delete the ticket comments
[Added] New email template for announcement notification
[Added] Option to increase the kanban board size
[Added] Download button for the note files
[Added] Some new options in project cloning
[Added] Show completed sub tasks count on main task on the kanban view
[Added] Show parent task title on sub tasks on the kanban view.
[Added] Role permission for client feedback
[Added] Estimate reference in the invoice
[Added] Option to show next and previous files in project files.
[Added] Use main recipient's language to send invoice
[Added] New template for invoice, estimate, order etc.
[Added] Logo for companies to use in invoice, estimate, order etc.
[Updated] Remove logo upload option in invoice, estimate, order settings
[Updated] Update Codeigniter to latest v4.3.2
[Updated] Don't show project dropdown in expense modal of project details page
[Updated] In add payment modal, show the remaining balance in the amount field
[Updated] Improve UX of checklist in task details modal
[Updated] Don't show inactive members in the event share with dropdown
[Updated] Improve responsive design for mobile devices
[Updated] Add more information on the All timesheets widget
[Updated] Include the notes and hours in the timesheet export
[Updated] User should not be able to open timer on same task while the timer is running
[Updated] Integrate single Google API for Calendar and let other users to use that
[Updated] Make the lead contact email as optional
[Updated] Show the team members overview widget for allowed members
[Updated] Update imap libraries
[Updated] Reflect the client access permission settings in add/edit project modal client dropdown list
[Updated] Update settings for Microsoft IMAP, SMTP
[Updated] Implement REST API for Paypal (Need to re-setup the PayPal payment method settings)
[Fixed] Missing variables in the email templates
[Fixed] Wrong payment calculation
[Fixed] Non-admin user can't access proposal templates even after permission
[Fixed] Ticket sorting is not working
[Fixed] Invoice item sorting is not working
[Fixed] Don't show the client dropdown for the internal project cloning
[Fixed] Some issues in RTL template
[Fixed] Bug in client task update
[Fixed] Non-project member user got project notification
[Fixed] Last seen Team Members and last seen Customers widget
[Fixed] Reminder icon is missing in mobile view
[Fixed] Bug in public estimates
[Fixed] Bug in invoice payment confirmation template
[Fixed] Bug in checklist count.
[Fixed] After adding a payment on invoices list, it's removing the monthly filter
[Fixed] Error in proposal invoice conversion
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Reactions: KOY KARONA