• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Report Centre Essentials

Xenforo Report Centre Essentials 2.8.2

License Information
Compatible XF 2.x versions 2.2

Additional requirements php 7.0+

Standard Library by Xon (v1.1.0+, free)
Report Improvements add-on (v2.8.0+, free)
Search Improvements add-on (free) to make the search links work as expected
Atelier Aphelion
Report Centre Essentials

This add-on requires Report Improvements (free) add-on

Implements report queues, with auto-assignment rules and handy search links
  • Multiple queues to manage reports with
    • Admin-defined (Under AdminCP => Content => Reports => Manage Queues)
    • Usergroup-based access to queues
    • Flexible auto-assignment rules
  • Optional, Auto-report on new threads in a set of forums
  • Overview page with all report queues
  • Opt-out of report queues to display in the mod bar
  • Report & moderator statistics on the front-end
  • Adds search links to reports, threads and user card to quickly find reports & warnings.
  • Show user renames when viewing a user report
  • Version history of reported content, snapshots when content is reported.
  • Automation around resolving reports when performing thread/post moderator actions
  • Report watch/unwatch
  • "Copy reply bans from a thread" to bulk-copy thread reply bans from thread-to-thread
Usergroup-based access to queues
May define a list of user groups who can see and interact with a queue

Flexible admin-defined auto-assignment rules
  • Admin-defined (Under AdminCP => Content => Reports => Manage queue rules)
  • Auto-create reports on new threads in a forum
    • Optional on the user-group of reporter
  • For reports:
    • Optional on the user-group of reporter user
    • Optional on the user-group of reported user
    • Content types
  • Options for each criteria:
    • Ignore this criterion
    • At least one selected
    • All selected
    • None of the selected
Report & Moderator Statistics
  • Displays graph of moderator activity for:
  • Reports Handled
  • Report Comments
  • Moderator actions
  • Reports resolved per month
  • Reports made per day of month
  • Reports per forum
All reports downloadable as CSV files.
Permission controlled, admin group enabled by default.
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