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PowerPack Elements Pro

PowerPack Elements Pro 2.10.23 NULLED

== 2.10.23 ==
Release date: July 17, 2024
* Enhancement: Tiled Posts - Added Hover Animation option
* Enhancement: Tiled Posts - Added CSS Filters option
* Enhancement: Magazine Slider - Added Hover Animation option
* Enhancement: Magazine Slider - Added CSS Filters option
* Enhancement: Magazine Slider - Added Read More button option
* Fixed: Gravity Forms - Submit Margin Top option
* Fixed: Popup Box - Element Class/ID trigger option
* Fixed: Popup Box - Preview Popup option
* Fixed: Info Grid & Carousel - Center Slides option was not working on frontend
* Fixed: Tabbed Gallery - Center Padding option
* Fixed: Testimonials - Default arrows were showing when Arrows option is turned off
== 2.10.20 ==
Release date: July 3, 2024

* Enhancement: Added support for Elementor's Element Caching feature
* Enhancement: Added support for Elementor custom breakpoints in all carousel/slider widgets
* Enhancement: Counter - Replaced Odometer JS lib with jQuery Numerator JS lib as used by Elementor
* Enhancement: Counter - Added Underline and Apostrophe separator options
* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added option to chose icon for dropdown filters
* Enhancement: Coupons - Added option to chose icon for dropdown filters
* Enhancement: Performance improvements
* Fixed: Content Ticker - Arrows color option
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Align arrows option
* Fixed: Categories - Arrows style options
* Fixed: Coupons - Arrows style options
* Fixed: Magazine Slider - Align arrows option
* Fixed: Tabbed Gallery - Align arrows option
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Align arrows option
* Security Fix: Link Effects - Improved code security
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Reactions: MarkDragon
== 2.10.17 ==
Release date: May 1, 2024

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added Text Shadow option for post title
* Enhancement: Tiled Posts - Added Text Shadow option for post title
* Enhancement: Magazine Slider - Added Text Shadow option for post title
* Fixed: Table of Contents - Collapsable option issue with other widgets
* Development: Display Conditions - Added ppe_os_display_condition_options and ppe_os_display_condition_check filters to provide option to users for adding more OS options
== 2.10.15 ==
Release date: April 16, 2024

* Enhancement: Registration Form - Added admin check condition to New User Role option
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Equal Height option was not working with Carousel layout
== 2.10.14 ==
Release date: March 29, 2024

* Enhancement: Woo Product Images - Added Image Resolution option to change image size
* Enhancement: Woo Product Images - Added Image Resolution option to change thumbnail image size
* Enhancement: Woo Product Images - Added Image Resolution option to change lightbox image size
* Fixed: Info Box - Icon hover Border Color option was not working
* Fixed: Fluent Forms - Submit button alignment was not working
* Fixed: Fluent Forms - Option to hide the labels was not working
* Fixed: Business Reviews - Pagination dots position option was not working
* Fixed: Business Reviews - Box Shadow option was not working with Carousel layout
* Fixed: Magic Wand - Issue with cross-domain copy paste
== 2.10.12 ==
Release date: March 13, 2024

* Enhancement: Dual Heading - Added Text Stroke option
* Enhancement: Fancy Heading - Added Text Stroke option
* Enhancement: Info Box - Added Text Stroke option for Title and Subtitle
* Enhancement: Info Grid & Carousel - Added Text Stroke option for Title and Subtitle
* Enhancement: Info Grid & Carousel - Added Text Shadow option for Title and Subtitle
* Enhancement: Icon List - Added Adjust Vertical Position option
* Enhancement: Testimonials - Added Text Shadow option for Name and Position
* Fixed: Counter - Subtitle was not showing in editor
* Fixed: Team Member Carousel - JS error in editor when link is added
* Fixed: Gravity Forms - Dropdown arrows was not showing in some browsers
== 2.10.11 ==
Release date:
* Enhancement: Video - Added dynamic tags support for Start Time and End Time options
* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added dynamic tags support for Start Time and End Time options
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Some of the controls were not working
* Fixed: Image Gallery - Link Icon option
* Fixed: Image Slider - Align Arrows option
* Fixed: Categories - List Icon color option was not working for SVG icons
* Fixed: Table of Contents - JS error when widget is used inside container and Scroll To option is set to Table of Contents
* Security Fix: Improved code security in PowerPack widgets
== 2.10.4 ==
Release date: November 28, 2023

* Enhancement: Info List - Link type Box option now also links the Info List icon
* Enhancement: Buttons - Updated Buttons Spacing option to add row spacing when button stack
* Enhancement: Logo Carousel - Added option to show or hide logo title
* Enhancement: Logo Grid - Added option to show or hide logo title
* Enhancement: Logo Grid - Repeater items now show logo title instead of Logo Image text
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Videos overlap issue on mobile
* Fixed: Video Gallery - Thumbnail was not clickable when content position set Over Thumbnail or Over Thumbnail on Hover
* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Excerpt length option was not working for posts loaded after clicking load more button
* Fixed: Advanced Tabs - Icon Type icon option was not working
* Fixed: Gravity Forms - Submit Button alignment option was not working
* Fixed: compatibility issues with PHP 8
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Reactions: edgars221289
== 2.10.3 ==
Release date: October 23, 2023
* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Added support for using Gallery widget with masonry layout inside Elementor Nested Tabs widget
* Fixed: Display Conditions - ACF conditions were not working inside Loop Grid widget on archive pages
* Fixed: Woo Products - Select Tags option was suggesting product categories instead of the product tags