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Porto - Multipurpose Website Template

Porto - Multipurpose Website Template 10.0.0

Version 10.0.0 – 26 Oct 23

- Added - Demo - Creative Agency 2
- Updated - Skin Files with only css vars
- Updated - Landing Page - Change Header Video/Image
- Updated - All Plugins to the Latest Version
- Updated - Main Navigation Font Size
- Fixed - Animated SVG on Demo Renewable Energy
- Fixed - Horizontal Scroll on Mobile on Demo Creative Agency 1
- Fixed - Demo Startup Agency - KUTE Delay on page load
- Removed - Modernizr
Version 9.9.0 – 20 Oct 22

- Added - Demo - Personal Portfolio 1
- Added - Elements - Animations - Spotlight Cursor Text
- Added - Elements - Sections - Scroll Circle Expand BG Color
- Added - Elements - Buttons - Link Buttons Effects
- Added - Elements - Animations - Infinite Rotate
- Added - Elements - Animations - Scroll Rotate
- Added - Elements - Animations - Hand Draw Animation
- Added - Elements - Animation - GSAP Text Animations
- Updated - All Plugins to Latest Version
- Updated - Demo Business Consulting 5 - Update Header with SVG