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OSDownloads Pro

OSDownloads Pro 2.2.5

OSDownloads Pro v2.2.5​

Published: 05 February 2023
  • Fix minor issues with php 8.1
  • Add support for AcyMailing v8
  • Maintenance updates

Commit Log​

  • 6be3b933 Release v2.2.5 [Bill Tomczak]
  • f916cc6d Improve php 8.1 compatibility [Bill Tomczak]
  • 33920b66 Form field fixes for Joomla 4 [Bill Tomczak]
  • 9cefb06c Bump dev version [Bill Tomczak]
  • 817b6230 Fixes to file headers [Bill Tomczak]
  • 87bf0025 Add support for AcyMailing v8 [Bill Tomczak]
  • 01384982 Standards fixes [Bill Tomczak]
  • 8886cf24 Update file headers [Bill Tomczak]
  • 41945012 Bump dev version [Bill Tomczak]
  • Like
Reactions: zafro

OSDownloads Pro v2.2.4​

Published: 02 October 2022
  • Catch email sending errors and provide better information

Commit Log​

  • 2510992b Release v2.2.4 [Bill Tomczak]
  • 39f510d8 DOWN-437: Handle email sending errors more gracefully [Bill Tomczak]
  • c9d00872 Standards fixes [Bill Tomczak]
  • 3bf47fff Bump dev version [Bill Tomczak]
  • Like
Reactions: zafro
Published: 11 September 2022
  • Prevent errors when breadcrumbs are not active
  • Report and fail on errors when uploading files

Commit Log​

  • c1071c2b Release v2.2.2 [Bill Tomczak]
  • e1ed2295 bump dev version [Bill Tomczak]
  • Like
Reactions: zafro
  • Prevent potential conflicts with Joomla core psr/container (from Free version)
  • Like
Reactions: zafro