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Ol carousel

Ol carousel 4.0.7

Ol carousel.jpg

Display articles from one or multiple categories or custom items in 3d carousel or normal carousel. It comes with two styles - light and dark. The height and width of the items can be selected in carousel settings. There it is possible to select the border, timer style and position, 3D perspective, the speed and many other features.

Data Source:​


  • Count Items
  • Image type - Intro Image, Fulltext Image, Inline Image
  • Category Filtering Type - Inclusive, Exclusive
  • Category - Select
  • Child Category Articles - Include, Exclude
  • Category Depth
  • Tag Filtering Type - Inclusive, Exclusive
  • Tag - Select
  • Include children tags - Include, Exclude
  • Match Tags - Any, All
  • Author Filtering Type - Inclusive, Exclusive
  • Authors - Select
  • Author Alias Filtering Type - Inclusive, Exclusive
  • Author Aliases - Select
  • Featured Articles - Show, Hide, Only
  • Date Filtering - Off, Date range, Relative Date
  • Date Range Field - Created, Modified, Starting Publishing date
  • Start Date Range - Select
  • To Date - Select
  • Relative Date - Select
  • Date Field
  • Date Format - Your choice
  • Article IDs to Exclude
  • Article Field to Order By - Article Manager Order, Featured Articles Order, Hits, Title, ID, Alias, Created Date, Modified Date, Start Publishing Date, Finish Publishing Date
  • Ordering Direction - Descending, Ascending

Custom Items​

  • Type - Image/Video
  • Created - author or date
  • Title
  • Info text
  • Read more link
  • Read more text button


  • Style - Light/Dark
  • Image width size
  • Image height size
  • Border
  • Slide Duration
  • Easing
  • Slides displayed
  • Make 3D - Yes/No
  • Perspective
  • Animation Speed
  • Pause Time
  • Timer style - Pie/Bar/360Bar
  • Timer Diameter size
  • Timer position - bottom-center / top-center / middle-center / bottom-left / top-left / middle-left / bottom-right / top-right / middle-right
  • Pause On Hover - Yes/No
  • Keyboard Navigation? - Yes/No
  • MouseWheel? - Yes/No
  • Enable Controls? - Yes/No
  • Touch navigation? - Yes/No
  • Autoplay? - Yes/No
  • Random start? - Yes/No
  • Start slide
  • Slides Space
  • Like
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