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Nextend Social Login Pro Addon

Nextend Social Login Pro Addon 3.1.14 NULLED



  • Fix: Fixed an issue where it was possible to login with the social login through BuddyPress for the first time even if the account was still awaiting activation.
  • Improvement: New LinkedIn Sync data fields: Headline, Vanity name
  • Improvement: New TikTok Sync data field: Username
  • Improvement: PayPal Getting Started updated
  • New provider: Patreon
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Reactions: abuji



  • Security fix: Error message sanitization.
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Reactions: MarkDragon



  • Improvement: Register form – Password template HTML has been updated according to the latest WordPress default Forget Password form structure.
  • Improvement: Custom Actions – Full Site Editing compatibility: the Custom Actions feature now attempts to render the buttons on any actions which are fired after the “init” action. ( Earlier, we tried only on the actions fired after the “login_head” and “wp_head” actions, so the buttons weren’t rendered on the actions that were called within the Block Theme widgets. )
  • Improvement: PayPal Getting Started Update
  • Improvement: PayPal integration updated according to the new PayPal endpoint and API changes.
  • New provider: Reddit



  • Fix: Added the now needed Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header to the TikTok access token endpoint request.
  • Fix: Updated our code to use “Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect” instead of the old deprecated “Sign in with LinkedIn” product.
  • Improvement: LinkedIn – Getting Started updated
  • Improvement: Added new “edd_before_purchase_form” action for our Easy Digital Downloads integration.
  • New provider: Kakao
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH



  • Feature: TikTok provider – Sync data fields added.
  • Improvement: TikTok provider – new OAuth2 endpoints and redirect_url introduced.
  • Improvement: TikTok Getting Started updated



  • Fix: Yahoo provider – The redirect URL suggestion will now contain the complete Yahoo endpoint URL, as new Apps now require an exact match ( earlier the URLs with query strings weren’t accepted by the input field of Yahoo ).
  • Improvement: Developers can now add extra validation logics for the “Ask E-mail/Password/Username on registration” features by using the “nsl_validate_extra_input_password_errors”, “nsl_validate_extra_input_username_errors” and “nsl_validate_extra_input_username_errors” filters.
  • Improvement: The HTML of the “Ask E-mail/Password/Username on registration” features can now be overridden over template files.
  • Feature: Line provider – added an option to allow the auto login.
  • Feature: BuddyPress registration integration – so BuddyPress can send its registration notifications upon registration with social login, too.
  • Feature: Discord provider – v10 API support
  • Feature: Discord provider – Sync data fields added.



  • Fix: Apple provider – There was an encoding problem with the scope parameter of the Apple authorization URL.
  • Improvement: Developers can now override the GitHub and Disqus client credentials over the “nsl_disqus_api_key” / “nsl_disqus_api_secret” and “nsl_github_client_id” / “nsl_github_client_secret” filters. ( Can be useful for multi sites and multi language sites, as the App of these providers support only a single redirect URL. )
  • Improvement: Microsoft Getting Started Update
  • New provider: Twitch
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Reactions: tatar221