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Next Bricks (Brickscore)

Next Bricks (Brickscore) NULLED – August 23, 2024
  • Fix: Some of the new burgers needed to be set as a custom toggle at Menus
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Reactions: Kensei1212
1.6 – July 31, 2024
  • New: Page Transitions feature
  • New: Physics element
  • New: Particles element
  • New: Ripple Button v2 element
  • New: Ripple Button v3 element
  • New: Marquee Button v2 element
  • New: Timeline element
  • New: Horizontal Scroll element
  • New: Lamp element
  • New: Dropdown element
  • New: Dropdown megaMenu element
  • New: Arrow Icon element
  • New: Table of Contents element
  • New: Spotlight v2 element
  • New: Infinite Title was converted into Vertical Marquee with new controls
  • New: Possibility to have multiple Cursor elements
  • New: Next Tabs Transform animations
  • New: Animator shortcut
  • New: Next UI Themes: dark theme, light theme and bricks theme
  • New: In-built switch function at Next UI to switch between themes directly at the builder
  • New: Possibility to set the page name as the morphing nav active item without having to use custom fields
  • New: Morphing Nav items were converted to nestable elements to morph any element dropped at them
  • New: Amplitude control at Ripple Button
  • New: Customizable accessibility controls at Dropdown element and Arrow Icon elements
  • Improve: Disable at touch devices control at Glowing Card
  • Improve: Mask Button performance and mask's color won't change on blend mode but the title in exchange for easier customizations – June 15, 2024
  • Fix: Horizontal Marquee children not showing up at the builder
1.5.3 – May 16, 2024
  • Fix: Core UI support to Bricks resizes
  • Fix: Core Animator end value and to method at front – April 15, 2024
Improve: Possibility to have more than one Observer per page
Fix: Individual CSS files loading support to conditional templates and Bricks post content elements – March 25, 2024
  • Improve: Possibility to choose between Lenisjs and GSAP ScrollSmoother at Smooth Scroll element
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon

Version 1.4.0​

  • New Multi OffCanvas Menu element
  • New Drawer element
  • New Codepen element
  • New Counters element
  • New Observer element
  • New Custom text to copy option at Click & Copy instead of only an element text
  • New Distance control at Blade Reveal and Underline Hover
  • Improve: Added GSAP Commercial license
  • Improve: Added toggleActions control at Reveals
  • Improve: Replaced SplitType library with SplitText from GSAP
  • Improve: Click & Copy is now nestable
  • Improve: Toggle all switch at Brickscore´s dashboard
  • Fix: Having more than one Image Reveal leaded to a choppy animation at the builder
  • Fix: SplitText problem with custom fonts at Bricks Builder since latest version
  • Fix: Core Animator CDNs loaded from web server instead from Cloudflare
  • Fix: Core Animator required a tippy element to be enabled
  • Fix: High loadings leaded to Stripe megaMenu be hidden at the builder
  • Fix: Bubbles display at Safari
  • Fix: Twist Reveal and Blade Reveal now work with span tag
  • Fix: Accesibility bug with Mobile Nav Item at Stripe megaMenu´s