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NexoPOS - POS, CRM and Inventory Manager

NexoPOS - POS, CRM and Inventory Manager 5.1.0

= v5.1.0 - 2024.02.28
- Fixed: The field was disabled when the reset confirmation was closed
- Fixed: scroll on the product grid
- Fixed: renaming column on transaction histories
- Fixed: make tax group nullable on procurements products
- Fixed: loading quick product with no default
- Fixed: ns.recurring-transaction was written as ns.recurring-transactions (with a 's') which was causing the recurrence screen not to work.
- Fixed: Deleting Product On Cart #1783
- Fixed: #1750 reset feature
- Fixed: Ensure compatibility while extracting product form.
- Fixed: Can't reassign unit for already assigned unit
- Fixed: customer name not appearing on settings
- Fixed: typo on ClearHoldOrdersJob
- Fixed: Helper::toJsOptions support an array as a label
- Fixed: display order control when it's loaded on order preview
- Added: Ensure set action performs a correct increase/decrease action
- Added: new developer sections on About page.
- Added: unit conversion feature.
- Added: can't assign twice the same unit to a product
- Added: proper disabled state for search-select field
- Added: support for hiding checkboxes
- Updated: unused js files
- Updated: set is the default adjustment action by default
- Updated: Procurement Name is not required anymore.
- Updated: We'll keep a loading state when the procurement is successful.
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Reactions: mustang.3
= v4.8.19 - 2023.06.26
- Added: force flag to the Artisan call
- Updated: Modified tax computation function
- Updated: The computeInclusive() function in the tax library has been modified to enhance tax calculations
= v4.8.18 - 2023.05.16
- Fix Spanish translations
- Fixed: yearly report not recomputing
- Fixed: order types not used on the demo
- Fixed: sale report row background color
- Fix: saving custom format on the database (#1458)
- Fixed: Tax computing with string values (#1468)
- Added: print option on a hold order.
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Reactions: keybluster