• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
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    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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Multi Content Pro (Application and Website).jpg

Multi Content Pro (Application and Website) is a mobile & website content management system which run under Android platform and Web browser that used for your own Video, Music, HTML5 Games, Text, Article, News, PDF Reader, Direct URL, Download Files, Product, Catalog, Buy & Sell, Ads, City Guide and support from Android 5.0 and higher. With powerful and Responsive Admin Dashboard can manage users, pages, sliders, push notification, unlimited categories and 4 level sub categories and publish any kind of content.

This application created by Android Studio for mobile side and then PHP MySQL (CodeIgniter) for Website and Admin side. By using this application you can save your money and time in creating application and website for your own multi purpose application.

Admin Part Features

  • Publish any kind of content from admin dashboard
  • Publish unlimited Video & Movie, TV Streaming, YouTube, Vimeo, Music, Audio,HTML5 Game, Text, Article, PDF, News, Product, Ads, Buy Sell, City Guide, Classification, Download, Hyperlink Inside and Outside App
  • Multi video player (ExoPlayer, JzPlayer, WebView Player, YouTube, Vimeo, HLS ExoPlayer (streaming m3u8), Native Player)
  • Multi level user role (super admin, admin, employee, regular and VIP user)
  • Determine access permission to each user role
  • Unlimited categories and 4 level sub categories
  • Assign specific content to Regular or VIP user
  • User can submit any content from web version
  • Admin can approve or reject content that submitted by users
  • Enable cache for content to load faster
  • User list, along with search, editing, and management tasks
  • Admin can block user accounts
  • User activities
  • View, approve, or delete user rate / review
  • Manage app releases
  • Manage app pages
  • Images slider
  • Assign to open specific content on click on image slider
  • OneSignal push notification (send from admin dashboard)
  • Sending push notification to all or specific user
  • Sending big image via push notification from admin dashboard
  • Manage maintenance mode
  • Google AdMob (Banner Ad, Intersitial Ad, Rewarded Ad)
  • Google AdMob (enable/disable from admin dashboard)
  • Hide Google AdMob for specific user
  • Google Firebase analytics
  • Reward coin configuration
  • SEO configuration
  • Enable / Disable reward coin
  • Withdrawal coin as a cash configuration
  • Send email configuration
  • API key configuration
  • RTL mode (Android, Admin Dashbiard and Website)
  • UTF-8 support
  • Multi languages support (Android, Admin Dashbiard and Website)
  • Google reCAPTCHA to increase security
  • Enable/Disable Google reCAPTCHA from admin dashboard
  • Captcha library to increase security
  • Prevent XSS attack
  • CSRF protection is enabled
  • Form validation
  • Email verification
  • RestFUL API
  • Full user manual

User Part Features

  • Android and Website with the same back-end
  • Multi slider splash screen
  • User registeration and login
  • User dashboard
  • SEO friendly
  • Reward coins by clicking on Rewarded Ads AdMob (Only on Android). Enable or Disable from admin dashboard
  • Reward coins by writing a review (Enable or Disable from admin dashboard)
  • Reward coins by watching video & listen to music (Only on Android). Enable or Disable from admin dashboard
  • Reward coins by playing game (Only on Android). Enable or Disable from admin dashboard
  • Reward coins by referring your friend (Enable or Disable from admin dashboard)
  • Withdrawal coin as a cash via PayPal, BitCoin, WebMoney, Gift Card, Offline Bank and…
  • Users can delete their account under GDPR law
  • User can write a review on any content
  • User can rates on any content
  • User can hide AdMob with coins rewarded
  • User can upgrades account to VIP
  • VIP users can access to all content
  • Regular / VIP users can publish new content (requires admin confirmation to publish)
  • Bookmarks, share and search
  • Load more supports at content list
  • Load more supports at reviews page
  • RTL mode (Android, Admin Dashbiard and Website)
  • UTF-8 support
  • Multi languages support
  • Security minifyEnabled
  • R8, The New Code Shrinker From Google is Enabled

System Requirements

  1. Linux Web Hosting
  2. PHP Version: 7.2 , 7.3, 7.4
  3. PHP Extensions: Curl with SSL, GD2 Image Library, JSON Support, MBString, Iconv, OpenSSL, Mcrypt, PDO, PDO_Mysql, Mysqlnd, allow_url_fopen, SourceGuardian, XML, Fileinfo, Intl
  4. MySQL 5.6.x / MariaDB 10.x.x or newer
  5. Android Studio Electric Eel 2022.1.1 Patch 1 or newer
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