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MotoPress Hotel Booking

MotoPress Hotel Booking 5.0.3 NULLED

= 5.0.3, Jul 31 2024 =
* Refactored the code used to translate the My Account page with the WPML plugin.
* Extended the list of countries that can accept payments via Klarna (Stripe).
* Improved the import of ongoing bookings from external channels.
* Added the "DTSTAMP" property to calendar export of blocking rules.
* Fixed an issue with the extra guest fee calculation in search results for entries exceeding accommodation capacity.
* Minor bugfixes and improvements.
= 5.0.2, Jul 1 2024 =
* Fixed an issue where Rates created in the earliest versions of the plugin displayed incorrect values.

5.0.0, Jun 11 2024​

  • Added the ability to create discount coupons specifically for services and fees. Note new and updated columns in CSV reports.
  • Improved the way to customize rates based on the number of extra guests.
  • Added the ability to sync bookings with buffer times included.
  • Added the ability to remember the chosen guest count until checkout page.
  • Added more options for the price format.
  • Added the ability to create annually repeated seasons.
  • Added the ability to export bookings imported from external platforms to CSV reports.
  • Added a user-friendly option to select accommodation types in the WordPress block editor.
  • Added the ability to sort seasons by the start and end date. Now they are sorted by date by default.
  • Added the ability to easily change the order of the rates to set their priority.
  • Admin booking notes are now saved instantly, eliminating the need for page reloads.
  • Improved the Booking Details page to show all associated payments, not just the last one.
  • Improved the display of the season dates in the table of rates.
  • Optimized an admin booking calendar URL for easier sharing.
  • Updated Braintree for compatibility with PHP 8.
  • Improved the display of booking rules in different calendar themes.
  • Fixed a rate ID after adding it through REST API.
= 4.11.1, May 3 2024 =
* Removed whitespace characters from AJAX requests.
* Fixed an issue with serializeJSON() at checkout.
* Fixed time zone issues.
* Fixed an issue where blocked dates for linked accommodations weren't displaying in the admin calendar.
* Fixed a cost calculation issue for properties with variable pricing during search and booking.
* Fixed an issue with adding a rate through REST API.
= 4.10.2, Apr 1 2024 =
* Fixed an issue where higher-priority booking rules in the list were not overriding lower-priority ones.
= 4.9.1, Mar 12 2024 =
* Fixed an issue with applying 'not stay-in' booking rules and loading availability calendar data.
= 4.8.3, Oct 9 2023 =
* Minor bugfixes and improvements.
= 4.8.2, Oct 4 2023 =
* Minor bugfixes and improvements.
= 4.8.0, Sep 18 2023 =
* Booking calendar improvements: search and booking forms display blocked and booked dates for a better user experience.
* Fixed an issue with custom checkout fields that were not exported to the CSV report.
* Fixed an error of incorrect calculation of accommodation subtotal price in the CSV report.
* Restricted the possibility to cancel booking after the check-in date has passed.
* Added "Pending Admin" and "Pending Payment" statuses to the iCal export.