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Mayosis - Digital Marketplace WordPress Theme

Mayosis - Digital Marketplace WordPress Theme 5.1

V5.1 – 1 August 2024
-Ajax Login issues fixed
-Ajax register issues fixed
-Elementor category widget color option added
-Woocommerce mobile sticky bottom bar added
-EDD Product grid padding issue fixed
-Plugin updated
-Demo data updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
V4.5.4 – 24 Sepetember 2023
-Graphicmarket WooCommerce demo added
-Prime product template added
-WooCommerce header search issue fixed
-WooCommerce single product sticky bar support added
-Dokan vendor sidebar profile image issue fixed
-Vendor elements image size issue fixed
-Plugins updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
V4.5.1 – 21 May 2023

-Mayo vendor WooCommerce demo added
-WooCommerce single prdduct design issue fixed
-WooCommerce cart design fixed
-WooCommerce search option fixed
-Marketking multivendor plugin support added
-WooCommerce elementor author widget added
-WooCommerce video support issue fixed
-WooCommerce audio support issue fixed
-WooCommerce product category carousel added
-Product category carousel responsive issue fixed
-WooCommerce checkout design issue fixed
-WooCommerce cart offcanvas issue fixed
-Plugins updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
V4.5.0 – 02 May 2023

-WooCommerce compatibility added
-WooCommerce elementor widget added
-WooCommerce wordpress widget added
-WooCommerce theme options added
-Dokan support added
-Dokan vendor profile designed
-Dokan author widget added
-Main demo woo version released
-EDD audio product style added
-EDD audio product thumb issue fixed
-EDD audio grid featured and popular added
-EDD image gallery list style added
-Plugins updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
V4.2.3 – 25 January 2023
-Logo custom url added
-Custom purchase button text field added
-Product archive sorting control added
-Audio player wave issue fixed
-Plugins updated
-Demo data updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
V4.2 – 26 December 2022
-Purcase conformation page issue fixed
-Product gallery alternative text issue fixed
-Slider issue fixed
-Product filter added(beta)
-Alternnative gallery issue fixed
-Vendor permission issue fixed
-Plugins updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
V4.0 – 9 November 2022

-Mayovendor demo added
-Uneven grid style added
-Category grid design added
-Featured vendor design added
-Product tab added
-Tab inner product type added
-New blog design added
-Blog design imporved
-Mobile bottom fixed bar added
-Dark mode polished & imporved
-Elementor Add to cart button full width option added
-Add to cart button double issues fixed
-Video play option imporved on mobile
-Vendor list page search box placeholder edit option added
-Audio category page improved
-Single product elementor template added
-New icons added
-Category SVG icon support added
-Sidebar accordion menu support added
-Accordion menu system imporved
-FES gallery issue fixed
-Header custom button login/logout state added
-Product grid gallery issue fixed
-Sidebar serch css issue fixed
-Plugins updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
V3.7.7 – 10 October 2022
-FES gallery issue fixed
-Double purchase button issue fixed
-Elementor archive masonry grid issue fixed
-EDD recurring issue fixed
-Plugins updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
-PHP 8.0 compatibility added
-Alternative gallery option added
-Alternative FES gallery option added
-Audio grid added
-Audio archive grid added
-Audio demo improved
-Plugins updated
-CSS issue fixes
-Bug Fixes
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221