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Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables

Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables 2.0

Version 2.0 (Released 09.05.2024.)​

New update with features and improvement:
  • Feature: New option for sending details over: POST or GET method.
  • Feature: New additional option for the GET method: Send parent table row data.
  • Feature: New additional option for the GET method: Send child table row data.
  • Feature: New additional option for the GET method: Send child table data.
  • Feature: Create URL link for a specific Master detail page or post.
  • Feature: Parent/Child relations on Master Details post or page.
  • Improvement: Added hooks for new functionality for Master-detail add-on.

Version 1.3.5 (Released 05.04.2023.)​

An update with some improvements:
  • Improvement: Improved the activation and deactivation of the plugin.
  • Improvement: Added styling for buttons for the new wpDataTables skin, Mojito.
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Reactions: szricsi0917

Version 1.3.4 (Released 26.01.2023.)​

An update with a new feature and some fixes.
  • Feature: Added the option to open the template in the same tab.
  • Bugfix: Disable sorting for master detail column.
  • Other small bug fixes.
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Reactions: berprado