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Mass Site Visitor - the most feature-rich traffic bot

Mass Site Visitor - the most feature-rich traffic bot 2.4.2

License Information
Unlimited license Nulled
Mass Site Visitor.jpg

!IMPORTANT NOTE: Mass Site Visitor is sold exclusively on Envato (Codecanyon) since 2016 (I also used to sell it at SeoClerks/Codeclerks as headshote, but these marketplaces are dead now), anybody else trying to sell this bot to you is a scammer

MSV 2.4 Is Out NOW! (Nov 2023) Important Update with SimilarWeb support and better stability

Mass Site Visitor (MSV) is designed to generate large amounts of traffic to websites of your choice through the list of proxies in a multi-threaded way using the power of your computer. It concurrently runs automated browser sessions in the background on your PC, and directs their traffic through proxies to the target website(s). MSV allows you to set visitor behavior from simple like page visiting, to automatic clicking random links and scrolling, to complex conditional clicks on any elements of your web page.

Latest and greatest video preview: auto-random scrolling and clicking:

Newest and hottest video tutorial: How to mass auto click links:

Original PoC video (visiting and affecting Google Analytics):
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Last update

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