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LearnPress PRO Bundle

LearnPress PRO Bundle (2023-11-07)​

~ Fixed: security issue.
~ Tweak: display Category for filter courses.
~ Added: attribute disable if filter count = 0.
~ Tweak: widgets.js use fetch instead of wp.apiFetch.
~ Added: page tool clear cache. (2023-09-18)​

~ Tweak: display Date Time, time zone by format of WP.
~ Fixed: count Progress course on the Single Item.
~ Fixed: current item active on the Curriculum.
~ Fixed: error not show price course when user repurchase course.

4.2.2 (2023-03-01)​

~ Optimized performance.
~ Optimize: rewrite “add_rewrite_rules” method, only call on “admin_init” hook.
~ Optimize: flush_rewrite_rules only when save settings.
~ Optimize: not call get_available_payment_gateways on hook ‘wp_loaded’.
~ Optimize: not call learn_press_get_current_profile_tab on hook ‘init’.
~ Optimize: add thim_cache table for cache (apply for site not install plugin Object Cache – or cache not working).
~ Optimize: set/get/clear cache for count total students enrolled.
~ Optimize: set/get/clear cache user_course (user_items) data.
~ Optimize: only load class REST when call on url of API.
~ Optimize: modified set cookie session for user Guest(user not login).
~ Added: a slash to the end of the course item link.
~ Fixed: some functions make out of memory.
~ Fixed: some functions use static not correct make out of memory.
~ Deprecated “learn_press_get_the_course” function, replace with “learn_press_get_course” function.
~ Deprecated: “learn_press_get_current_url” function, replace with “LP_Helper::getUrlCurrent” method.
~ Temporary comment _get_theme_info, plugin info, because very low.
~ Comment: hook learn_press_lesson_comment_form_fields, learn_press_get_only_content_permalink, learn_press_lesson_before_delete_post
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Reactions: Yakuza112

Download LearnPress PRO Bundle v4.1.7.2 (2022-10-03)​

~ Removed: delete file mu-plugin (Moved to the plugin Thim Optimize).
~ Fixed: CVE-2022-3360 security.
~ Fixed: error “Quiz is not auto submitted when the time is expired”.
~ Fixed: error “Completed item is not redirected to the next item”.
~ Modified: Shortcode button LP.
~ Removed: delete shortcode ‘learn_press_button_enroll’. We recommend using the shortcode ‘learn_press_button_course’ instead.
~ Fixed: error “Email content on one line when you save”.