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JupiterX - Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce

JupiterX - Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce 4.6.0 NULLED

JupiterX Website Builder v4.6.0
Released on 23 hours ago
🌟 New Features:
  • Added a custom filter to control the customizer style in both Classic and Gutenberg editors.
  • Added HTML field type to Form widget.
⬆️ Improvements:
  • Improved the Layout Builder to be compatible with Elementor Pro Post Content widget.
🔧 Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed style issue on Product Data Tabs widget.
  • Fixed active page color issue on Navigation Menu widget.
  • Fixed Email label issue on Form widget.
  • Fixed Post Content widget issues.
  • Fixed PHP deprecation notice on Tooltip feature.
  • Fixed Space Between setting issue on Media Carousel widget.
  • Fixed JupiterX Popups entrance animation issue.
JupiterX Website Builder v4.5.0

⬆️ Improvements:
  • Improved Product Gallery widget compatible with customizer settings.
  • Improved the Layout Builder to be compatible with block editor pages.
  • Improved the widgets' links to be compatible with the WPML plugin.
🔧 Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed Product Media issues.
  • Fixed poster issue on Media Gallery widget.
  • Fixed Gallery widget issues.
  • Fixed PHP fatal error on Custom Scripts feature
  • Fixed condition issue on Popup Builder.
  • Fixed Custom Fonts feature issues.
  • Fixed Form widget issues.
  • Fixed CTA button issue on Post Carousel widget.
  • Fixed Product Gallery widget issues.
  • Fixed Advanced Tab widget issues.
  • Fixed Advanced Video widget issues.
  • Fixed Animated Gradient feature issues.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
JupiterX Website Builder v4.1.0
🌟 New Features:
  1. Added Logo Selector to the customizer on Simplicity activation. 🏷️
  2. Added Reading Time feature to Advanced Posts widget. 🕒
  3. Added Reading Time feature to Posts widget. 🕒
  4. Added Reading Time feature to Posts Carousel widget. 🕒
⬆️ Improvements:
  1. Improved scrolling performance by using passive listeners. 🚀
  2. Improved Post Comment widget to be enabled by Elementor Post Settings. 💬
  3. Improved the Simplicity Mode feature. 🌟
  4. Improved JupiterX Display feature to be compatible with the Elementor Alignments. 🎨
  5. Improved Elementor settings on a fresh install to enable Grid Container and Editor Topbar in settings. ⚙️
🔧 Bug Fixes:
  1. Fixed fatal error in Portfolio Archive template. 🐛
  2. Fixed issues in required plugins notices. 🛠️
  3. Removed deprecated Control Panel. 🚫
  4. Fixed Title link issue in Team Member widget. 🔗
  5. Fixed order issue in Slider Widget. 🔄
  6. Fixed Arrows issue in Posts Carousel widget. ➡️
  7. Fixed Background Activities issue on closing JupiterX Popup. 🔄
  8. Fixed fatal error in My Account widget. 🐛
  9. Fixed fatal error in Dashboard on Elementor deactivation. 🚫
We hope these updates make your experience with JupiterX even more delightful and efficient! 🚀
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Reactions: MarkDragon
JupiterX Website Builder v4.0.0
🌟 New Features:
  1. Wizard Feature 🧙‍♂️: Create your website in less than 60 seconds! A user-friendly way to launch your online presence swiftly.
  2. Site Logo Dynamic Tag 🏷️: Now available in the Site Logo widget, making your branding efforts easier and more dynamic.
  3. Advanced Menu Widget Site Logo 🍔: Enhance your menus with the Site Logo feature, especially when you enable the Simplicity Mode.
⬆️ Improvements:
  1. Elementor Widgets Colors 🎨: Default colors in JupiterX Elementor widgets are now more vibrant on a fresh install.
  2. Advanced Posts & Posts Widgets 📰: Custom taxonomies are now visible in the meta list and come with a sortable feature.
  3. Readymade-Website Import 🌐: Improved to prevent unwanted comments from being imported.
  4. Products Widget & Sellkit Compatibility 🛍️: Now fully compatible with Sellkit Product Filter widget.
  5. Simplicity Mode Enhancement 🌟: Experience an even more streamlined simplicity mode.
  6. Author Social Network Icons 🖌️: Improved color options for better visual appeal.
🔧 Bug Fixes:
  1. PHP 8.2 Incompatibilities 🛠️: These are now a thing of the past.
  2. My Account Widget Warning ⚠️: Resolved the PHP warning issue.
  3. Form Widget Email Action 📧: Fixed to ensure smooth email transactions.
  4. Search Form Widget Icon Size 🔍: Inline Font Icons now perfectly compatible.
  5. Elementor Library Modal in Editor 🎨: Issues resolved for seamless editing.
  6. Layout Builder Publish Button 🚀: Now functioning correctly.
  7. User Attributes in Layout Builder 🧩: Resolved condition issue for smoother user experience.
  8. Product Title Widget Error 🏷️: No more fatal errors; enjoy uninterrupted usage.
  9. Column’s Vertical Alignment 📐: Fixed display option issues for better alignment.
  10. Dashboard Loading Speed 🚀: Significantly reduced loading times for enhanced efficiency.
We hope these updates make your experience with JupiterX even more delightful and efficient! 🌟🚀🎨
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Reactions: MarkDragon
23 November 2023
Jupiter X themeJupiter X Core plugin
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Slideshow effect issue in the Media Carousel widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed placeholder issue in form widget date picker.
  • Improvement: Improved Author Social Network icons.
  • Improvement: Improved the Simplicity Mode feature.
  • Improvement: Improved a few parts of the dashboard.
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
20 November 2023
Jupiter X themeJupiter X Core plugin
  • Bug Fix: Minor fixes and improvements.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Post Content widget deprecated notice.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Media Carousel widget loading issue.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Layout Builder issues.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Control Panel issues.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed User Type trigger issue in Popup Builder.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Simplicity Mode issues.
  • Improvement: Improved Layout Builder to be compatible with customizer.
  • Improvement: Improved Form widget upload file to be compatible with PHP 8.2.
  • Improvement: Improved My Account widget to be compatible with all permalink structures.
  • Improvement: Improved Cart widget to be compatible with Sellkit Dynamic Discount.
  • Improvement: Improved Advanced Menu widget to be compatible with Elementor Pro dynamic tags.
16 October 2023
Jupiter X themeJupiter X Core plugin
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Sticky Header issues.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed WooCommerce deprecated templates.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed TGMPA issues.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed pagination color issue on Post Carousel widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed margin bottom issue on Advanced Video widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Posts Per View issue on Products Carousel widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Slides Per View issue on Media Carousel widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Custom Tab Content issue on My Account widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Submenu style issues on Advanced Menu widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed overflow issue in mobile view on Post Content & Post Comments widgets.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Link option issue on Elementor column.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed dropdown arrow issue on Add To Cart widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Counter issue on Shopping Cart widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed rendering issue in editor on Product Gallery widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Tooltip feature issues.
  • Improvement: Improved search page to be compatible with Fibosearch plugin.
  • Improvement: Improved Tooltip feaure to be compatible with Jet Tricks plugin.
  • Improvement: Improved WooCommerce Settings feature to be compatible with WooCommerce native settings.
  • Improvement: Improved Layout Builder conditions to show active templates on top.
  • Improvement: Improved Shopping Cart widget to be compatible with WooCommerce Product Add-ons plugin.
  • Feature: Added Popup Builder feature.
  • Feature: Added Circle Progress widget.
  • Feature: Added Category Count option to Categories widget.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
9 August 2023
Jupiter X themeJupiter X Core plugin
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Customizer conflict with XT Floating Cart for WooCommerce plugin.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed vulnerability issues.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed JS error on checkout page.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed JS error on Product Gallery widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed add to cart ajax issue on Shopping Cart widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed overflow issue with inline variations on Add to Cart widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed box-shadow issue on Cart widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issues on Products widget.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issues on search page.
  • Improvement: Improved Layout Builder condition modal with new design.
  • Improvement: Improved add to cart ajax on Shopping Cart widget to be compatible with group products.
  • Feature: Added filter to customize excerpt on Advanced Posts widget.