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JupiterMeet Pro - Video Conference

JupiterMeet Pro - Video Conference 1.6.0 NULLED Extended

1.6.0 - October 12th, 2023
Added: Contact list on profile page
Added: Test SMTP option in the Admin panel
Added: Multiple meeting invites in the dashboard
Added: Two-factor authentication
Added: Set values to unlimited in plans
Added: Meeting search option in the dashboard
Added: Restrict users in a meeting by plan
Added: Google reCAPTCHA on the checkout page
Added: Troubleshooting notice on the meeting page for the admin
Added: Share meeting button on the meeting page before joining
Improvement: Users and meetings are listed in descending order in the Admin panel
Improvement: Removed buggy PDF and color picker inputs from the Whiteboard
Improvement: Changed default username from Stranger to Guest
Fixed: Mirror video in meeting
Fixed: Copy meeting link issue
Fixed: Added missing translation strings
Fixed: OverconstrainedError due to video quality auto selection
Fixed: Video sideways issue in Safari and Firefox
Fixed: Miscellaneous