• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.

JFBConnect v9.1.55 for Joomla 4.X (11/27/2023)​

  • Bug Fix: Providers - Twitter OAuth2 apps fail to log in with Bad Request Token (jfbconnect-2420)
  • Bug Fix: Core - Login Redirection does not redirect to non-default languages properly (jfbconnect-2434)
  • Bug Fix: Language - Joomla 4 - Language prefix (jfbconnect-2170)
  • Bug Fix: Core - Login/Register view - privacy and terms inconsistent styling from com_users (jfbconnect-2432)
  • Bug Fix: Core - Login / Register view - form elements inconsistent with com_users (jfbconnect-2433)
  • Bug Fix: Core - Login Register view should follow com_users captcha setting (jfbconnect-2422)
  • Bug Fix: Language - Hungarian language missing language formatting strings (jfbconnect-2430)
  • Bug Fix: Open Graph - Deprecated Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in openGraph.php (jfbconnect-2436)
  • Bug Fix: Core - PHP 8 Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated (jfbconnect-2428)
  • Bug Fix: Core - PHP 7 error for easytag str_ends_with (jfbconnect-2414)
  • Bug Fix: Open Graph - PHP deprecation warning in Channels (jfbconnect-2425)
  • Bug Fix: Open Graph - PHP deprecation warning for Open Graph plugin hasDefaultTags (jfbconnect-2424)
  • Bug Fix: Channels - Channels - Error on edit channels if provider plugin is disabled (jfbconnect-2438)
  • Bug Fix: Administration Area - Admin - Meta spacing (jfbconnect-2421, jfbconnect-2398)
  • Bug Fix: Core - JED Checker compatibility (jfbconnect-2331)
  • Enh: Core - Joomla 5 Support (jfbconnect-2427)
  • Enh: Core - Upgrade Bootstrap 5.3.2 (jfbconnect-2417)
  • Enh: Providers - Social login provider - image refresh for SVG and PNG (jfbconnect-2437)
  • Enh: Providers - Google: Login in popup with Identity services (jfbconnect-2149)
  • Enh: Login / Register view - add block button as option for Register and Login buttons (jfbconnect-2431)
  • Enh: Core - Loginregister Register should be a button, not input to be consistent with com_users (jfbconnect-2426)
  • Cleanup: Core - Remove Bootstrap2 support (jfbconnect-2440)
  • Like
Reactions: zafro

JFBConnect v9.0.244 for Joomla 3.10+ and 4.X (04/08/2023)​

  • Bug Fix: OpenGraph content plugin can match/post on extra incorrect objects, found on multilingual site (jfbconnect-2401)
  • Bug Fix: Twitter authentication - error "0 Class "JFBConnectUtilites" not found" (jfbconnect-2409)
  • Bug Fix: Twitter authentication - token issues with standalone apps - Call to a member function getStatusCode() on bool (jfbconnect-2411)
  • Bug Fix: Fix Exception with Joomla 4 redirection for alias menu item (jfbconnect-2396)
  • Bug Fix: Display dates in the admin area in server time (jfbconnect-2405)
  • Bug Fix: JFBConnect including Bootstrap css file even though Include Bootstrap option is set to None (jfbconnect-2408)
  • Bug Fix: Joomla 4 - Limit JFBConnect on Joomla 4 to only include Bootstrap 5 (jfbconnect-2400)
  • Bug Fix: PHP 8 Deprecation notices (jfbconnect-2395)
  • Bug Fix: Social Profiles - Cannot redirect user to a registration form of some EasySocial profiles (jfbconnect-2392)
  • Bug Fix: Social Meta - Meta Configuration Settings - sort skip components by Display Name (not extension name) (jfbconnect-2397)
  • Bug Fix: Social Meta - Meta Configuration Settings - skip components width (jfbconnect-2398)
  • Bug Fix: SCLogin - Show Forgot Username / Password styling and element classes (jfbconnect-2403)
  • Bug Fix: SCLogin - Bootstrap 5 buttons and borders shouldn't be transparent (jfbconnect-2404)
  • Bug Fix: SCLogin - FontAwesome icons don't show up on Joomla 3 if Bootstrap 5 enabled in JFBConnect (jfbconnect-2407)
  • Enh: Upgrade to Graph v16 (jfbconnect-2367)
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221 and zafro