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Integrate Joomla with Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Microsoft and many other social networks. JFBConnect is the complete social network integration suite for Joomla. Add social networks to your Joomla site and you will increase interaction between visitors on your website, Facebook and other social networks. With JFBConnect, you can increase your social presence and organically grow your site.

Social Authentication​

Add social authentication to Joomla with powerful registration options. 1-click registration, skip activation, auto username creation, and more.

The core package includes integration for the 4 most popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google. JFBConnect also supports more than 10 other social networks through separate add-ons.

Third Party Integration​

JFBConnect creates 100% standard Joomla users. It works with major 3rd party extensions for customized import of user profile data, social sharing widgets, and deep social network integration for your site.

Open Graph Tags​

Automatically describe your page to social networks using Open Graph and Twitter tags. Easily control the title, description, image and other information when your page is shared. This helps to ensure that the message and brand for your pages is always how you want it to be.

Social Sharing​

Add social sharing buttons throughout your site. Automatically add Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest sharing buttons to Joomla and K2 content. You'll have control over the style, size, position as well as targeting abilities to only include specific categories or articles. Additionally, with easy to use Joomla modules, you can add the sharing features to any other extension as well.

Social Auto-Posting​

Automatically post new content to Facebook Pages & Groups, Twitter Streams and LinkedIn Companies.
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  1. JFBConnect v9.1.55

    JFBConnect v9.1.55 for Joomla 4.X (11/27/2023) Bug Fix: Providers - Twitter OAuth2 apps fail to...
  2. JFBConnect v9.0.244

    JFBConnect v9.0.244 for Joomla 3.10+ and 4.X (04/08/2023) Bug Fix: OpenGraph content plugin can...