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jDBexport is a Joomla component which allows you to export data from your databases (JOOMLA and others). The reports are generated on-demand into an Excel document, when the users request them.

As a powerful data reports extension jDBexport allows you to deliver data from your databases directly to your users. Write any valid SQL SELECT query in the configuration of this component. The query is run when a user clicks the link and the current information in the database is delivered to the users browser as an Excel file.

Main features​

  • create data reports in various formats (xlsx, xls, ods, csv, html, pdf, json) from your databases
  • individualise these reports with variable substition (such as userid or current date) or parameters entered by the user
  • embed graphical charts (bar, pie, area, line, etc.) based on the requested data into your worksheets
  • format these reports with colors, fonts, backgrounds (also alternating backgrounds), images, headers and footers, borders and more
  • use a wide varity of conditions (including the result of SQL queries) for conditional formatting
  • add additional cells with text, images or results from additional SQL queries
  • define autofilter areas within your worksheets
  • add any additional files (e.g. Excel Makros in an *.xlmx file) along with your workbook when compressing is activated
  • deliver these reports regularly and fully automatically to your users, utilising our sophisticated scheduler
  • define SQL based rules whether to run the scheduled task or not
  • or let the users request these reports online or in the background or through the GoogleDocViewer
  • or let the users preview these reports in a HTML preview within your website
  • or prepare these reports (without showing them) for post processing with individual programs
  • include virtually any accessible database - local or remote - into your reports (MySQL, MariaDB, MS-SQL, ORACLE, SQLite3, DB2, INGRES, SAP MaxDB, PostgreSQL, Firebird and others)
  • let AI help you with creating your SQL query with our integrated ChatGPT prompt
  • check the validity of your SQL query with our on-the-fly (AJAX-driven) SQL syntax checker, while preparing the worksheet
  • get inline help on creating your SQL queries, or reference the SQL manual that corresponds to your environment
  • and many, many other features...
  • jDBexport is translated in many languages (you can help us here...)
-jDBexport comes with a set of additional tools (frontend and backend module for easy access to your workbooks, datagrid and datafield plugin to embed worksheets or a single cell from a worksheet into any Joomla content, workbook link plugin to style jDBexport workbook links according to your template, support for additional Truetype fonts in PDF creation)
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