• The default language of any content posted is English.
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
= 8.2.9 =
* FIX: Only allow images to be uploaded in the secondary uploader
* FIX: Update code (WPCS)
* FIX: Remove CodeFactor integration
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
= 8.2.2 =
* FIX: Revert fix for WordPress 6.3
* FIX: Only show thumbnail in the back-end for images (no other post types)
* FIX: Remove conflicting CSS declaration from Thin UI
* UPDATE: Improve collections modal dialog
* UPDATE: Update code (WPCS)
* UPDATE: Various UI updates
* UPDATE: Refactor image gallery grid
* UPDATE: Remove Thin UI for forms and inline Critical CSS
* UPDATE: Remove Thin UI library
* UPDATE: Remove jQuery dependency
= 8.2.0 =
* FEATURE: Added a new image size option to the single image template
* FEATURE: Added downloadable image option (alpha)
* FEATURE: Added tutorial on how to add a filter for a downloadable image
* FIX: Fixed issue with visible Awards title for non-admins
* FIX: Fixed mobile view for the single image template
* FIX: Fixed login URL for the login shortcode
* SECURITY: Added better security for non-admin users (prevent access to Dashboard)
* UI: Removed button styling from Follow/Unfollow links
* UI: Refactored user profile tabs
* UI: Improved single image template
* UPDATE: Implemented Thin UI for image grids
* UPDATE: Implemented grid width (default, wide or fullwidth)
* UPDATE: Added missing grid class to the collections shortcode
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
= 8.1.8 =
* FIX: Added missing dependencies and ImagePress version to admin enqueued scripts and styles
* FIX: Removed unused script
* FEATURE: Added name and email for guest submissions
* FEATURE: Added default upload category option
* FEATURE: Added custom updater
* FEATURE: Added image category parameter to the [imagepress] shortcode
* UPDATE: Moved author-related functions to its own file
* UPDATE: Tweaked the GB Ad element
* UPDATE: Updated code (WPCS)