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Houzi real estate app

Houzi real estate app 1.3.8

version 1.3.8​

December 21, 2023 MAJOR

1.3.8 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. Upgrade is recommended.

Houzi App 1.3.8​

  • [New] Added support for Map Clustering.
  • [New] Added hooks to customize the Clusters marker on Maps.
  • [New] Dynamic Bottom Navigation Bar, control with Houzi Builder
  • [New] Added option to view Private Note of Properties.
  • [New] Updated to Flutter version 3.16.XX.
  • [New] Added “Featured First” sort option on Search Results page.
  • [New] Added option to customize the “Floating Plus Button” in the Bottom Navigation Bar.
  • [New] Added “Cupertino Sliding Segment Control” for search filters.
  • [New] Added new “box” type term picker for search filters.
  • [New] Added “Chip filters” in Search Results Screen.
  • [Improved] Improved Search Results Page for smooth scrolling and fixed memory consumption.
  • [Improved] Improved Listings on Map.
  • [Improved] Improved Filter Page.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Add Property with location dropdowns.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues with material 3.
  • [Improved] Fixed price issue Floor Plans.
  • [Improved] Improved add inquiry location selection.
  • [Improved] Fixed with Static Maps while Adding a Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed Sorting search results issues.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Bottom Action Bar in Property Profile Screen.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Realtor Info Screen.
  • [Improved] Improved Property Listings.
  • [Improved] improved Elegant Home Search.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues related to scrolling in Settings.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.3.8​

  • [New] Updated and Enhanced UI.
  • [New] Added support to customize Bottom Navigation Bar with dynamic icons.
  • [New] Added support to hide/show “Cupertino Segment Control”.
  • [New] Added support for ‘box’ term picker.
  • [New] Added support for customizing Cupertino Sliding Segment Control Thumb Color.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues related to Add Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed icons of Country, State, City and Area on Search section.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.3.8​

  • [Improved] Fixed issue related to Similar Properties.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue in Agency_Agent thumbnail.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues for ‘Private note’ and ‘Property disclaimer’ while Adding/Editing a Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Phone number from Contact us.
  • [Improved] Fixed issues in Touch-base.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.
  • Like
Reactions: john99

version 1.3.0​

June 13, 2023 MAJOR

1.3.0 bring important changes to Houzi app, plugin and Houzi Builder. The highlights are dynamic add property, search and filters and custom widgets in pages. Upgrade is recommended. Here’s the details of what awesome things we’ve done with the app and its companions.

Houzi App 1.3.0​

  • [New] Dynamic Add Property.
  • [New] Option to add country, city, area as dropdown in add property.
  • [New] Option to add Search Filters based on Houzez ‘meta keys’.
  • [New] Option to add Custom Widgets in Home and Property Details.
  • [New] Option to add Custom Widgets in Home Sliver App Bar.
  • [New] Option to add Web URL in Drawer menu.
  • [New] Added ‘Property Attachement’ section in Property details.
  • [New] Display All Property tags (Featured, Status, Label etc.).
  • [New] Added icon for ‘Website’ in Drawer menu.
  • [New] Added Print Property option in Property Details.
  • [New] Added WhatsApp logo in Property Details.
  • [New] Added English language in hooks.
  • [Improved] Upgrade support to Flutter 3.10.x.
  • [Improved] Renamed Directories for ease of access.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Deals and Leads (CRM).
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Realtor Information Screen.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Home.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of duel properties after Adding Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed the multiline issue of Review Title.
  • [Improved] Improved User Sign-in.
  • [Improved] Fixed the Internet Connection Error issue.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Favourites.
  • [Improved] Improved URL launcher.
  • [Improved] Improved All Agents Search.
  • [Improved] Fixed Price issue in Property Details, Property Draft and Favourite Property.
  • [Improved] Remove realtorMap from hooks.
  • [Improved] Improved Property Card.
  • [Improved] Updated ‘Language settings’ icon.
  • [Improved] Fixed several issues in Maps.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of search with Property Label.
  • [Improved] Replaced Multi Select Form Field on Address Page with Full Screen Term Picker Field in Add Property.
  • [Improved] Fixed issue of WhatsApp crash (iOS).
  • [Improved] Segregated ‘hooks delegates, hooks class’ and ‘hooks_interface’ files in a separate directory.
  • [Improved] Improved Deep Link.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Builder 1.3.0​

  • [New] Extensive imporvement in Search with Filters based on Houzez ‘meta keys’.
  • [New] Dynamic Add Property Form.
  • [New] Add option to show Web URL as item in left drawer menu.
  • [New] Added ‘Property Attachment’ section in Property details.
  • [New] Added Custom Widgets in Home and Property Details.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.

Houzi Rest Api Plugin 1.3.0​

  • [New] Extensive imporvement in Search with Filters based on Houzez ‘meta keys’.
  • [New] Added Attachments in Property Details page response.
  • [New] Added Print Property Pdf Webserive.
  • Several bug fixes & Performance Improvement.
  • Like
Reactions: phrancys1