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FOX - Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce

FOX - Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce

Version - 13 Sep, 2024 Latest Update
  • 1 security issue fixed thanks to Arkadiusz Hydzik from Wordfence
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Reactions: thecult
Version - 31 July, 2024 Latest Update
  • 1 security issue fixed thanks to Ananda Dhakal from patchstack.com
Version - 17th April, 2024
  • 1 security issue fixed thanks to stealthcopter from Wordfence

Update v.2.4.1​

  • Small Fixes
  • High performance order storage compatibility
  • new option for cron currency rates update: every 2 hours
  • new hook woocs_capability_allows_change_order – ability to allow special users to edit orders without giving them manage_options
  • new advanced option “Disable [Reset currency] for bots”: By default, the plugin switches to the base currency for bots that crawl the site. This setting can disable this behavior. If you need let bots see prices in shop basic currency do NOT activate this option. If to enable this option, will work for bots such options as welcome currency and geo ip options, but this need in specific situations
  • new advanced option “Selected currency in Schema.org”: By default, product price fields in schema.org are displayed in the base currency. Activate this option so that the prices are displayed in the selected currency (for example scanning using GET params in the link)
v.2.4.0 (10-02-2023)
- heap of little fixes
- new storage type 'FOX Session'
- new function 'convert_from_to_currency' which allows to convert money amount from one currency to another one https://currency-switcher.com/function/woocs-convert_from_to_currency/
v. (17-12-2022)
- 1 security issue fixed thanks to Erwan Le Rousseau, via WPScan
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Reactions: tatar221
v. (15-12-2022)
- 1 security issue fixed thanks to Marc Montpas, via WPScan
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Reactions: tatar221