1.4.0 (Date: 20 May 2024)
- New Gutenberg Block: Logged-in user bookings
- New shortcode: Add booking to calendar
- Implemented booking confirmation require feature
- Google Calendar additional settings
- Clone meetings from other host
- Added formatted date shortcode for mapping with FluentCRM birthday field
- Added ICS file attachment option
- Added Invitee email edit option for admin
- Added option to use custom phone field for sending SMS
- Added help message field in custom fields
- Added format field for date
- Updated group event title for remote group events
- Resolved Nextcloud Calendar sync issue
- Fixed an issue with event details for long descriptions
- Fixed email sent from Fluent SMTP instead of the default From address of FluentBooking
- Fixed the meeting reschedule permission issue for admin
- Corrected display of available days for rescheduled group events syncing with Google Calendar
- Fixed Stripe payment issue when the event was set in other language
- Resolved availability issues for the booking calendar
- Fixed the Gutenberg block's primary color not reflecting across the booking calendar
- Added missing translation strings to improve UI