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Essential Grid Gallery WordPress Plugin

Essential Grid Gallery WordPress Plugin 3.1.3 NULLED

Version 3.1.3 (03 July 2024)​

  • Added Global option to control Cross-origin image attribute for images loaded by grid
  • Added Global option to control additional grid information ( ID / Handle ) on overview page
  • Added option to (de)select all filters in a group
  • Added option to control missing taxonomies creation during post-based grids import
  • Added Close button to missing addons popup
  • Update mobile detect library
  • PHP code improvements
  • Update wp_remote_ calls to wp_safe_remote_
  • Add copy shortcode button to edit grid page
  • Update tptools lib to 6.7.11
  • Update Grid overview search to support search by alias / ID
  • Load post content into lightbox
  • Styles for site editor iframe
  • Gutenberg block
  • Javascript errors
  • CSS errors
  • Multi-select meta not populate values for custom grid
  • Shortcode filter was not using single or multiple filter type class
  • WPML filters
  • Grid animation after resize
  • Custom filter edit issue
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon

Version (29 April 2023)​

  • Update tptools lib to 6.7.5
  • Relative path image load error
  • TPtools load on widgets page
  • Shortcode scripts double load
  • Own Caching System & Load more error
  • Wrong start animation position

Version 3.1.2 (05 April 2023)​

  • Added filter 'essgrid_caching' to control caching globally
  • Added filter 'essgrid_query_caching' to control caching per grid
  • Added support for Yoast SEO XML sitemap for ESG images
  • Update cache system
  • Blur purchase code
  • Twitter Feed integration discontinued
  • Remove social stream skins from plugin update routine
  • Update Global Settings save
  • CSS fixes
  • "Link to" not working properly when just a path used as a link
  • Replace spaces between words in the filter title with dashes
  • Fixed PHP deprecated errors
  • Fixed flickering when click on active tab on Edit Page and Global Settings
  • Fixed mobile grid show no items
  • Fixed wheelPropagation in missing addons dialog to prevent parent scroll
  • Fixed Ajax content navigation
  • Fixed grid width after initial appearance animation
  • Security Hardening to prevent Unauthenticated Read Access for Private Posts

Version 3.1.1 (09 November 2023)​

  • Added new option in Global Settings - List of post types to exclude from Essential Grid
  • Add 'essgrid_set_default_image_by_id' filter to override default image ID
  • Fixed lightbox toolbar icons behind the admin bar
  • Fixed JQMIGRATE deprecated warnings
  • Fixed email links without mailto: prefix
  • Fixed add new item title
  • Fixed bulk images detected as blank item bug
  • Fixed revslider not working in lightbox
  • Security Hardening to prevent Cross Site Scripting

Version 3.0.19 (07 July 2023)​

  • Hide ESG admin bar menu item in admin
  • Hide free badge in addons popup
  • Add tip that new grid cannot use addons until saved
  • Update Fontello icons
  • Fixed non-global addons were not activated during grid import
  • Fixed animation lost when duplicating skin
  • Fixed “Item No. at Start” not working properly when “Start with Filter” is added
  • Fixed empty link anchor
  • Fixed empty Vimeo thumbnails
  • Fixed grid settings tips
  • Fixed Video Thumbnails will not show after stopping video
  • Fixed Broken Access Control for ajax actions
  • Remove duplicated code
  • Remove unused css
  • Fixed php warnings

Version 3.0.18 (31 May 2023)​

  • Updated Activation popup design
  • Added "Premium" badge on original templates from library. Templates can be used only in registered and licensed environments
  • Fixed filters shortcode
  • Fixed grids sort on overview page
  • Fixed php notices/warnings
  • Fixed youtube thumbnails not loaded
  • Fixed missing revslider init scripts when loading post with revslider shortcode via ajax
  • Fixed grid settings tooltips
  • Fixed video default images
  • Fixed filter deep linking with several grids on page
  • Fixed html5 video play on hover
  • Fixed load more sorting issue
  • Fixed video posters
  • Fixed deprecated functions usage
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

Version 3.0.17 (27th January 2023)​

  • Add filters to output custom message if grid has no items
  • Add additional controls for post categories element on grid edit page
  • Add grid edit link to admin bar
  • Move "Stream" source feature from core to "Video Playlists" & "Social Media" addons
  • Move "Google Fonts" feature from core to Addon
  • Move "Real Media Library" source type feature from core to Addon
  • Move "NextGEN Gallery" source type feature from core to Addon
  • Updata missing addons popup design
  • Fixed Flickr Album source
  • Fixed Clear Cache routine
  • Fixed tinyMCE failed to initialize plugin: essgrid_sc_button
  • Fixed image scale when blur hover animation used
  • Fixed grids with special type ( popular, recent )
  • Fixed same filters class when two grids with the same used on a page
  • Like
Reactions: eldiesel