Version 3.0 – 04 September 2023
- Implementation of delivery tracking notifications.
- Configuration of all notifications through the admin panel.
- Resolution of Google Maps issues within the driver application.
- Display of admin commission in vendor wallet transaction history.
- Introduction of preparation time setting when accepting orders for the Multivendor delivery service.
- Enabling scheduled orders (specifically for the Multivendor service).
- Management of public and private coupons.
- Incorporation of multiple tax options upon order placement.
- Redesign of the order detail screen.
- Enhancement of notification redirection to specific screens.
- Management of email templates.
- Recording of vendor wallet transaction history.
- Generation of sales reports in the admin panel.
- Implementation of password reset/forgot password functionality in the store web panel.
- Addition of a Forgot Password function on the user login page.
- Adjustment of Firebase functions related to delivery.
- Miscellaneous minor feature additions and a few minor bug fixes.
- Numerous improvement on app, web and admin panel.
- Fixed other known issues