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    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
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Digits : WordPress Mobile Phone Number OTP Signup and Login Form

Digits : WordPress Mobile Phone Number OTP Signup and Login Form NULLED

9 July 2023 - 8.3.1​

    Improved translations
    Digimiles Gateway integration
    reCaptcha v3 issues
    HTML field stripping HTML tags
    Logic not working in some cases with checkbox
    Email field coming twice when option in One-Click
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
29 April 2023 -ver8.2
- New: Block login for unverified email users
- New: User email verification status in user edit page
- New: Msg91 WhatsApp Business API integration
- New: Option to change email header logo from settings itself
- New: Translation support in emails
- New: OneClick compatibility with 3rd party forms
- New: Account status notification via email
- Improved: Language translations
- Fixed: Country code field not coming in add user page backend
- Fixed: ESMS.VN gateway issues
- Fixed: WooCommerce form phone field tag for autofill
- Fixed: Issues related to password field on WC checkout
- Fixed: Invalid OTP issues in rare cases
- Fixed: Conflicts with 3rd party using select2
- Fixed: Simple captcha styling in login form
- Fixed: Resume configuration wizard notice not dismissing
- Fixed: Social login not working in some cases
- Fixed: Fast2SMS gateway issues
- Fixed: Malware false positive in file settings.min.js
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Reactions: tatar221

31 March 2023 8.1.1​

    Theme editor access
    ESMS.VN api update
    Default country code not working in signup
    Label not coming in phone and email field when both are required
    Custom font not working in some cases
    Date picker not working in some cases
    php error warnings