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[DBTech] DragonByte Shop

Xenforo [DBTech] DragonByte Shop 6.6.1

DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
DragonByte Shop.png

DragonByte Shop is the most advanced shop mod to date. Giving you unprecedented control over what items you can sell, DragonByte Shop is the perfect mod to go along with virtually any points modification.
With features like overriding any usergroup permission, including those of custom modifications, DragonByte Shop raises the bar for what you will come to expect from a shop mod.

DragonByte Credits integration: All of your DragonByte Shop purchases will show up in DragonByte Credits, allowing you to fully utilise the power of the Credits mod to support your Shop! New event triggers are automatically created when an action is taken within the Shop mod.

Multiple currencies: You can create multiple different currencies, and optionally integrate all or some of them with DragonByte Credits. This allows you to sell items in a wide variety of different currencies, each with their own rate of earning.

Categories: As an administrator you can create multiple categories that sells different (or the same) items. Categories can be organised in a tree structure for easy browsing. Categories can also have user group permissions, allowing you to fine-tune who can create items within each category.
Categories can also have a "Beneficiary", meaning someone other than the item owner can optionally receive all or part of the proceeds from selling each individual item. Beneficiary amounts can be split in any amount of 0-100%.

Items: A powerful item system allows you to create a wide array of different items with different configurations. Like categories, items can have their own individual user group or user permissions.
Items can have the following properties:
  • Giftable
    • Only giftable
    • Start conversation when gifted
    • Can re-gift
  • Unique (can only purchase one of this item)
  • Exclusive (can only purchase one of this item type)
  • Always hidden (item is not displayed in the postbit)
  • Stealth item (item is not displayed in a user's inventory or postbit)
  • Allow re-configuration
  • Automatically discard after configuration
  • Duration
    • Permanent
    • Temporary
    • Automatically discard after expiry
  • Inventory
    • Item price / currency
    • Sell-back price / currency
    • Sell-back time limit
    • Stock
    • Sell-back replenishes stock
    • Stock refill interval
    • Purchase notifications
    • Configure notifications
Reviews: Members are able to rate & review items, with optional requirements of entering review text and requiring purchase before a review can be left.

Inventory: Users can configure their purchased items or even deactivate them via the Inventory system. If the item supports it, buyers can also gift the item to others, and sell it back for a refund. The inventory is grouped by inactive, active and expired items. Extended item information is available by clicking on the item itself.

Gifting: If enabled, and the item properties permit it, members can gift items to other users either on purchase or after the fact. After purchase, this feature is accessible in the Inventory list. Users can add an optional gift message, which will be shown in the conversation and in the user's inventory.

Stealing: If enabled, your members can try to steal currency from other members 🦹‍♂️🦹‍♀️ This can be toggled globally and per-currency. A base steal chance can be configured in the XenForo options, and you are able to create items that boost the buyer's chance to steal. You can also configure how much of the target's unprotected currency is stolen with each attempt, at a percent from 0-100. Crime doesn't pay, so if the thief is caught, they will lose a percentage of their credits!

Bank: Banking currency allows users to keep the money safe from theft. Whether a currency can be banked can be configured per-currency. Users can also optionally earn interest on banked currency, either manually collected or automatically awarded every 24 hours.

Trading: Trade requests can be started with a unique message, can be rejected or accepted, and a trade can be cancelled at any time. An inline discussion system (like profile posts) allows both members to discuss the trade amongst themselves. Alerts keep both members updated if the trade has been offered, modified or accepted. Completing a trade requires both parties to accept any alterations to the deal before it is finalised. Pray they don't alter the deal any further.

Lotteries: You can sell tickets for a lottery on your site, with its own ticket price and currency configuration separate from any of your items. Unlike a raffle system, lotteries require you to configure how many main numbers and bonus numbers are drawn, and set up lottery prizes for when the user guesses the right combination of numbers. You can set lotteries to recur at set intervals, or leave them as a one-time thing. Each lottery prize can pay out in a different currency than the ticket price, so lotteries can be a great way of letting users earn bonus premium currency!

User Criteria: The following criteria are added, and usable anywhere in XenForo that uses the criteria system:
  • User has purchased at least X items
  • User has purchased item X
  • User has purchased an item of item type X
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  1. [DBTech] DragonByte Shop v6.6.1

    Update highlights This version updates the Profile Music widget to no longer exclude Hidden...

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