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Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder

PrestaShop Creative Elements - live Theme & Page Builder 2.11.0

Version 2.11.0 - 8/23/2024​

PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.7
  • New: Introducing Element Caching experiment - Enhance site speed by caching elements for faster rendering
  • New: Optional preload feature added to Background Images
  • New: Auto preload feature added for Custom Fonts
  • New: Updated Google Fonts list with 155 new fonts
  • New: Swiper Library updated to latest version 11.1.10
  • New: Coverflow & Cube & Flip effects added to background slideshow
  • New: Cards effect added to Carousel widgets
  • New: SmartMenus Library updated to version 1.2.1
  • New: Hide Signle Options fetaure added to Product Variations widget
  • Tweak: SQL queries minimized & duplications removed
  • Tweak: Module related memory usage minimized
  • Tweak: Speed optimization for Home Page template
  • Tweak: Miniature template files minified
  • Tweak: Frontend related JavaScript files optimized & minimized
  • Tweak: Waypoints.js library replaced with the native Intersection Observer API
  • Tweak: Images Loading attribute can be configured in Carousel widgets & Background Slideshow
  • Tweak: Lazyload images by
What's New in Version 2.9.14(03/28/2023)
  • New: Introducing Theme Style - set your default styling using Creative Elements
  • New: PrestaShop 8 Compatibility with PHP 8.0 & 8.1 Support
  • New: Introducing Breadcrumb widget
  • New: Added background slideshow to Section, Column and Inner Section elements
  • New: Introducing Dark Mode UI theme
  • New: Introducing Icon Manager - the new way to add icons into your page
  • New: Replaced Font Awesome 4 with Font Awesome 6
  • New: Introducing Custom Icon sets - including Fontello, IcoMoon and Fontastic support
  • New: Introducing SVG file library
  • New: Introducing new Color Picker control with Saved Colors built-in
  • New: Display control - It gives for Headings an extra sizing and styling possibility
  • New: User Preferences section in Editor Panel menu
  • New: Internal URL dynamic tag extended with Static & CMS Pages
  • New: Added Manufacturer Images, Category Images, Product Images dynamic tags
  • New: Added Global Custom CSS for Your Entire Shop in Theme Style
  • New: Added additional divider styles to Divider widget
  • New: Online Only badge support added
  • New: Added Custom Link Attributes to Link Options to allow adding custom attributes to <a> tags
  • New: Added Navigator indicators for Custom Position
  • New: Added Load FontAwesome 4 backward compatibility to Advanced Settings
  • New: Category description compatibility with Advanced Search module
  • Tweak: Added option to allow background video to play on mobile devices if device support it
  • Tweak: Added Space-around, Space-between and Space-evenly to Vertical Align options in Section element
  • Tweak: Use swiper.js instead of slick.js in Image Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Added “Pause On Interaction” option to Image Carousel widget
  • Tweak: Added more style options for Progress Bar widget
  • Tweak: Added option to set the HTML Wrapper Tags of Theme Parts
  • Tweak: Added inline editing capability to Progress Bar widget Title
  • Tweak: Added icon alignment option to icon list
  • Tweak: Added responsive controls to Icon size and Icon rotation in Icon widget
  • Tweak: Added option to hide columns in Navigator
  • Tweak: Miniature displays Preview on Category page
  • Tweak: Skin control renamed to Miniature in Product Box/Grid/Carousel widgets
  • Tweak: Allow background image and color being displayed in empty column
  • Tweak: Added vertical alignment option to Image Carousel
  • Tweak: Added Responsive option for the Content Align in Column
  • Tweak: Added “Play on Mobile” option to allow iOS autoplay to Video widget
  • Tweak: Added start & end time for self-hosted background video
  • Tweak: Added Play once option for background video
  • Tweak: Background videos now support Vimeo as a source
  • Tweak: Added playsinline attribute to Vimeo and YouTube sources to allow autoplay on iOS devices in Background Video
  • Tweak: Added option to pick custom colors per icon in Social Icons widget
  • Tweak: Added the option to add Icon and Text to Divider widget
  • Tweak: Added Full Screen option in Lightbox
  • Tweak: Added Title & Description to Lightbox
  • Tweak: Moved “Editing Handles” and “Lightbox in editor” options to the new “Preferences” section
  • Tweak: Added Remove Item icon & Product Image style controls to Shopping Cart widget
  • Tweak: Layout settings & Lightbox styles moved to Theme Style
  • Tweak: Added Tab icon feature for Tabbed Section
  • Tweak: Price (tax excluded) option added to Product Price tag
  • Tweak: Product Image dynamic tag extended with Image Index control
  • Tweak: Added Supplier support to Product Meta widget
  • Tweak: Added customer thread compatibility for Contact Form widget
  • Tweak: Added stretch option to inline widget's Vertical Align
  • Tweak: Added Flex Size & Flex Grow controls for inline widget
  • Tweak: Added Primary & Secondary options for Button Type controls
  • Tweak: Improved Motion Effects animation performance
  • Tweak: Schema Microdata changed to JSON-LD format
  • Tweak: Added Box Shadow control to Header & Footer
  • Tweak: Dropped delete revision option in Revisions Panel
  • Tweak: Removed all Font Awesome 4 dependencies
  • Tweak: Added custom messages for “Preview could not be loaded” state
  • Tweak: Editor JS API renewed to improve capabilities and stability
  • Tweak: Refactored panel controls UI
  • Tweak: Redesigned Media control
  • Tweak: Re-designed responsive mode switcher control
  • Tweak: Re-designed alerts and notices in the Editor Panel
  • Tweak: Moved structure control into section panel in Section element
  • Tweak: Changed the position of all panel tooltips to appear above the controls
  • Tweak: Do not render displayHome content when using Home template
  • Tweak: Added global utility function for adding link attributes in Button widget
  • Tweak: Added Viber icon for Social Icons widget, StumbleUpon icon removed
  • Tweak: Added reduce-motion accessibility support for CSS animation library
  • Fix: Error 500 on Maintenance page
  • Fix: Prevent opening duplicated Quick View in rare cases
  • Fix: Auto import Page settings when importing Quick View
  • Fix: Quick View does not open from tablet & mobile
  • Fix: List content of LazyArray with Shortcode
  • Fix: Multiple Product Variants widgets causing issue on Product page
  • Fix: Wrong Cover Image when product has combinations
  • Fix: Product Image dynamic tag does not work
  • Fix: Missing or Disabled Category page does not redirect to 404 page
  • Fix: Backward compatibility for taxes_enabled in Product Price widget
  • Fix: Unknown modifier issue in Product Block widget
  • Fix: Manufacturer & Supplier can not be displayed in Miniature
  • Fix: Auto hide on scroll conflict with opened Shopping cart
  • Fix: playsinline attribute missing when setting self-hosted video to Play on Mobile in Video widget
  • Fix: Star rating widget alignment is not responsive
  • Fix: Changing label in Product Meta widget for ISBN/EAN13/UPC/NPM does not work
  • Fix: Condition and Conditions not working together
  • Fix: Incorrect Absolute position dragging values in RTL
  • Fix: Disable browser suggestions on panel elements search input
  • Fix: Disabled autocomplete feature from the Color Picker
  • Fix: Counter widget start number greater than 999
  • Fix: Elements not being displayed when it has the value 0
  • Fix: Empty href attribute fixed in Accorion & Tabs & Toggle widgets
  • Fix: Regenerate CSS after saving style related global settings
  • Fix: Compatibility for JPresta cache module
  • Fix: Compatibility for SEO modules (ETS)
  • Fix: PHP, HTML, JS, CSS bugfixes & improvements