• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Convert Forms Pro

Convert Forms Pro 4.4.4

Aug 05, 2024 - v4.4.4
  • Added support for Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA.
  • Added missing Archive button in submissions toolbar for Joomla 4+.
  • Added missing aria-label attribute to various form fields.
  • Fixed User Account app issue with User Groups option mapped to Checkboxes field.
  • Fixed "Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted" error with File Upload > Resize Images.
  • Fixed "Call to undefined function acym_loadObjectList()" PHP error in AcyMailing Task.
  • Fixed File Upload Field to handle non-Latin characters.
  • Fixed Conditional Content Shortcode errors when the content includes ‘if’ and an odd number of quotes.
  • Fixed ActiveCampaign PHP error with Phone Number field and "Display Country Code Selector" enabled.
  • Fixed empty contact name in ActiveCampaign when no name is set in the form.
  • Replaced Textarea with Rich Text Editor in Content App (Text option) and Email App (Body option).
  • Removed obsolete Execute on Output and Format Override options.
  • Like
Reactions: RobertYA
May 03, 2024 - v4.4.0
  • Joomla 5 native support; no longer requires the Backward Compatibility plugin.
  • Loads all 3rd-party assets (CSS/JS) locally.
  • AcyMailing language custom fields now support auto-detection and offer a list of available languages for manual selection.
  • Fix: Integrations may fail due to a PHP 8.2 warning: "Creation of dynamic property is deprecated".
  • Fix: hCaptcha may fail to initialize
  • Fix: Editing a Joomla article or JEvents item on the front-end caused the form editor to render the form incorrectly.
  • Fix: Flac files may be rejected for upload.
Feb 05, 2024 - v4.3.0
  • Implements the Conditional Content Shortcode
  • Implements Smart Tags modifiers: prepareContent, shortNumber
  • Adds support for Subform Custom Fields in Smart Tags.
  • AcyMailing Task now triggers AcyMailing Subscription Advanced Notifications.
  • Fix: Intro/Full Article Image issues on subfolder sites created via the Content App.
  • Fix: AcyMailing ignores the langauge when a subscriber is created.
  • Fix: Ensure Convert Forms shortcodes are parsed in EngageBox Free.
  • Fix: Fields placeholder (hint) wasn't being set correctly when editing a submission.
  • Fix: Non-required Date field does not allow direct input.
  • Fix: Detect Visitor Country option may not detect the country in some circumstances.
  • Fix: Webhook data sent incorrectly in FORM request format.
  • Custom Code option renamed to Custom JavaScript and now accepts only scripts.
Dec 05, 2023 - v4.2.4
  • Adds Search Bar to Front-end Submissions.
  • Implements the Copy Field Value action in Conditional Fields.
  • Fix: The Input CSS Class option is missing in the Phone Number field.
  • Fix: Cannot publish/unpublish campaigns using the Status column.
  • Fix: Placeholder for dropdown does not respect the correct color.
  • Fix: A wrong submitter's username is displayed in the backend submissions.
  • Fix: "Invalid address: (Reply-To)" when multiple Reply-To Email addresses are used.
  • Fix: PHP Error "Detection\MobileDetect::__construct(): Argument #2 ($config) must be of type array, null given"
Oct 03, 2023 - v4.2.2
  • Fix: Joomla 5 compatibility issues.
  • Fix: A wrong submitter's username is displayed in the backend submissions.
  • Fix: Nested Smart Tags are not parsed.
  • Fix: The Webhooks App fails on Joomla 3.
  • Adds the {submission.user_username} Smart Tag.
  • Like
Reactions: GhRG87FGH
Jul 06, 2023

  • Implements the Content App. Create Joomla articles with your forms!
  • Implements country detection for the Phone Number field (Pro only).
  • Adds Minimum and Maximum characters options to Password field.
  • Adds a dropdown selection with flags on the Phone Number field.
  • Fix: Prevent warning "Unable to find a user with ID: XXX" in the backend submissions list.
  • Confirm field is renamed to Confirmation field.
4.1.0 - Wednesday, 03 May 2023
  • Implements the new Templates Library.
  • Adds the Label Font Weight option.
  • Improves default field styling options.
  • Fix: Request-URI Too Long error may appear while editing a Task.
  • Fix: {article} Smart Tag may break form submission when used in Dropdowns, Radio Buttons, and Checkboxes.
  • Fix: [Joomla 3] Convert Forms > Submissions > "Search Tools" or "Clear" buttons wouldn't work.
  • Makes the HTML field available in both Free & Pro versions.
  • We can now return any article custom field property using the {article.field.[NAME][PROPERTY]} syntax.
  • Updates translations
  • Like
Reactions: arisu78 and zafro


Tuesday, 28 February 2023
  • Implements the Tasks section.
  • Implements the User Account Task App.
  • Implements the Webhooks Task App.
  • Adds "Show all options" and "Hide all options" actions in Conditional Fields.
  • Adds PDF Submissions "Paper Size" & "Orientation" options.
  • Implements the "Total Checked Not Equals" comparison operator in Conditional Fields.
  • Adds the ability to redirect to a Menu Item after successful submission.
  • Fix: PHP 8.1 returns 0 as the field value when submitting an empty number field.
  • Fix: Email Cloaking plugin breaks fields with email addresses in Joomla 4.
  • Fix: Conditional Fields fail to change the value of a calculation-enabled field.
  • Fix: Calculated field values reset during form submission.
  • Fix: Add missing translation strings.
  • Fix: Conditional Fields may not work if the field value starts or ends with an empty space.
  • Fix: Conditional Fields will fail to display the value input field when the "Change Value" action is selected.
  • Fix: Ensure .htaccess file added on dynamically created folders contains correct syntax based on Apache version.
  • Fix: Smart Tags box does not translate all labels.
  • Fix: Conditional Fields fail if they include rules for deleted fields.
  • Fix: PHP Error "Undefined property: stdClass::$text" may be thrown by 3rd-party components.
  • Fix: Deprecated: md5(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated [PHP 8.1].
  • Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: field_options
  • ^ Makes the honeypot trigger error a translation string.
  • Removes unneeded files from the TGeoIP plugin.
  • Improves Field Calculations performance.
  • Updates translations.
  • Updates PDF library to 2.0.3.
  • Like
Reactions: zafro

3.2.12 - Monday, 12 December 2022​

  • You can now retrieve an Article's Custom Field using the {article.field.[ALIAS]} Smart Tag.
  • Fix: The Form editor may break due to CORS policy.
  • Fix: Radio Buttons and Checkboxes may get shrinked on small screens.
  • Fix: Content plugin shortcodes may be left unparsed during form rendering.
  • Fix: Date Time field may not work due to special characters in the name of the field.
  • Updates translations (el-GR, cs-CZ)
  • Updates flatpickr script to 4.6.13 and loads it locally.
  • The script (Dropzone) required by the File Upload field is now loaded locally.