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Cirilla - Multipurpose Flutter App For Wordpress & Woocommerce

Cirilla - Multipurpose Flutter App For Wordpress & Woocommerce 4.0.0

- [Feat] Support Stripe Native form checkout
- [Feat] Reset Password by send OTP to Email
- [Feat] HTTP Request Action
- [Feat] Dynamic Form (HTML and Contact Form 7 input)
- [Feat] Support Translatepress multi language plugin
- [Feat] Query any data in product detail
- [Feat] Identify App Orders
- [Upgrade] Flutter 3.16.x
And some minor bugs fixed and improvements
Detail: https://appcheap.io/changelogs-27-jan-2024/

3.8.0 fix1 or 3.8.1

Cirilla appv3.8.0
App builder pluginv3.7.0
Push notification pluginv1.4.5
