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Blogger News App - Blogger API v3

Blogger News App - Blogger API v3 3.0.0

Blogger News App v3.0.0 (28/04/2023)
- New App UI Design
- Android Studio Flaminggo | 2022.2.1
- Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.0.0
- Update Gradle distribution url 8.0
- Update dependencies
- Update Android Studio project with new structure
- Update JSON Structure for remote configuration
- Add AppLovin Max App Open Ad
- Add AppLovin Discovery Banner MREC Ad (Fill the Native Ad position)
- Add New Wortise Ad Network
- Add Exit dialog with Native Ad
- Add Search History
- Add Clear Cache menu
- Custom Native Ad style from remote json (large, medium, small)
- Enable or disable certain ads placement from remote json
- Unity ads are back added
- Returns more search results
- Request notification permission for Android 13 or above