- Developer
- buy-addons
Provide 11 reports for sale, tax, profit, margin, order, brand, category, product, category, manufacturer, supplier, customer, credit slips…Allows you to view report from rang of date and filter the report by order status, languages, currencies…
- Provides with 11 types of reports to track sales completely
- Automatic export into report file (*.csv) with cronjob
- Option to filter sales data for custom dates(Sales report, Product report, Orders report…)
- Pagination and sorting facility for reports
- Displays revenue and transaction counts for each product
- Fix summary of each report at bottom of screen, so Admin can simple view report.
- Export Report to CSV
- Displays unique purchases, product revenue, average price, average quantity sold for each product in table
- Option to sort product report data by clicking on the header/title of each column
- Displays quantity sold, revenue, tax information, shipping cost for each transaction in table
- Displays total number of transactions completed till the current date
- Compatible multiple stores.
- Compatible multiple languages.
- Support multiple currencies
- Optimized for 100% performance and speed