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Akeeba Admin Tools Pro

Akeeba Admin Tools Pro 7.6.1

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Possible PHP error whilst logging a blocked request


New features​

  • Components sidebar menu item to open the appropriate server config maker for your site
  • Improved support for Joomla! 5.1's backend colour schemes
  • You can now choose the action for an invalid administrator secret URL parameter

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Re-arrange order of execution to process IP blocks before request blocking features
  • Remove Itemid from Suspicious Core Parameters, it has its own feature (ItemidShield)
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Reactions: MarkDragon


Bug fixes​

  • [MEDIUM] Joomla does not return the plugin ID when it's disabled, leading to broken links in the UI
  • [MEDIUM] Server configuration maker: Fixed fatal error when web servers different than Apache are used

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Allow empty Itemid even when Suspicious Core Parameters feature is enabled
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Reactions: MarkDragon

New features​

  • Optional description field on “Never block these IPs” and “Never blocked domains”

Bug fixes​

  • [MEDIUM] Suspicious Core Parameter always applied the cmd filter, leading to false positives
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Reactions: MarkDragon


Miscellaneous changes​

  • Workaround for the Joomla! bug making it erroneously claim in the Maintenance: Database page that Admin Tools' database tables are not up-to-date when they actually are.
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Reactions: MarkDragon

New features​

  • Support bCrypt encryption for Administrator Password Protection on Apache 2.4+

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] NginX Conf Maker: Backend protection would make backend unavailable in newer NginX versions
  • [LOW] HSTS option UI wouldn't let you turn it off
  • [LOW] Htaccess Maker: Fixed PHP notices when a particular combination of options was used
  • [LOW] URL Redirections appears in the Core version, even though it won't do anything; removed
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH

New features​

  • Support for Joomla! 5 installations with a custom public folder

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Joomla 5 Dark Mode workarounds


Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] PHP File Change Scanner scans all files, regardless of the configured extensions
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH


Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Possible PHP error when updating this along other extensions using the same post-installation script