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Advanced Custom Fields : create new fields quickly

PrestaShop Advanced Custom Fields : create new fields quickly 2.2.3

202 ecommerce

Custom fields module allows you to create your custom fields and to show them on Product, Category or Order pages in Back Office and Front Office. 6 types of fields are available : text, text area, image, video, select and checkbox.

Accelerate your web site development: no need to write dozens of lines of code for adding a custom field in PrestaShop. Create your new custom fields for a few minutes and display them on your product, category or order pages.

The module configuration is simple: whether you are a beginner or an expert, this module has been developed to meet a multiple uses. The configuration of the module is simple for people without programming languages knowledge.

How does it work?
  • Create a new field via module configurations;
  • fill this field via Product, Category or Order pages (depending on your custom field location) in Back Office;
  • show the corresponding value in the Front Office.
and that is not all!
  • 3 locations are available : Product, Category or Order page (more than 10 native hooks and specific shortcodes for every field for "smarty" display);
  • every field that you create can be required or optional;
  • add instructions for showing your colleagues more information about new fields;
  • you can choose one of 6 types of fields:
- text: simple text or phone number,
- text area: text only, HTML allowed, WYSIWYG editor,
- image: you can upload different format of images : .png, .jpeg, gif. For showing it in the Front Office you can indicate a custom size or use recommended by Prestashop dimensions (for example: large_default (800x800 px) or category_default (141x180 px) etc),
- video: integrate video from YouTube,
- select:You can create a drop-down menu with predefined elements,
- checkbox:You can create a series of checkboxes;
  • if you want to show the same value you can indicate a default value: it fills automatically every field in Back Office. The default value will be shown on every page in the Front Office;
  • every field could be translatable;
  • you can not only create but also edit, disable or delete created custom fields;
  • view the summary by product, category and order pages : the list of already filled fields is available via Back Office menu: you can access directly to the corresponding page for changing value.
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Reactions: abuji and tatar221
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  1. PrestaShop Advanced Custom Fields v2.2.3

    What's New in Version 2.2.3 (03/29/2023) [+] Added new hooks on the product page [+] Improved...

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