• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
AdForest - Classified Native Android App [scriptsbundle]

AdForest - Classified Native Android App [scriptsbundle] 4.0.9

Change log / Updates: v 4.0.9 —— August 2nd, 2024

Resolved issues with the chat function, message sending and receiving are now working correctly.
Updated in-app update functionality.
Fixed the advanced search feature. Distance (KM) filter is now working properly.
Fixed the email template for the "Contact to Seller" feature.
Updated all libraries and dependencies to the latest versions.
Updated the target SDK to version 34.
Fixed issues with chat notifications.
Migrated from API Legacy to HTTP V1.
Fixed the issue where the app would freeze when scrolling through ads.
Change log / Updates: v 4.0.7 —— August 8th, 2023

Added :
Permission for notification on Android 13 or above
Update available
Updated libraries
Updated Billing library to latest version

Fix reload method in the app for ads section.
Edit post for address
Fix Login with OTP email issue
User must not report or block it self when logged in the app
Optimize app performance and API calls.
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Reactions: peram
Change log / Updates: v 3.9.9—— November 9th, 2022

Privacy policy check on the register as per the play console policy
minor fixes and improvements
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Reactions: tatar221