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YOOtheme Pro Joomla page builder

YOOtheme Pro Joomla page builder 4.4.9

Yootheme Pro Updated!!! Joomla


3.0.25 (FEBRUARY 10, 2023)​

  • FIXED Fix regression in Newsletter element

3.0.24 (FEBRUARY 10, 2023)​

  • FIXED Fix editing builder module in PHP 8.1+ (Joomla)
  • FIXED Fix none public post types added as type source in Toolset (WordPress)
  • FIXED Fix price style on product page for native WooCommerce template (WordPress)
  • FIXED Fix saving layouts/templates containing unicode chars (WordPress)
  • FIXED Fix logo link missing current language using Polylang (WordPress)
  • FIXED Fix Newsletter element output not cacheable
To update to latest version,
Download Latest Yootheme Pro and
INSTALL (not Update) OVER existing version


PsychoDaleic 's signature
raz0r 's signature

Yootheme Pro Updated!!! Joomla


3.0.26 (MARCH 16, 2023)

  • FIXED Fix PHP 8.2 deprecation warning in StreamWrapper class
  • FIXED Fix dynamic condition value is html entity decoded prior to comparison
  • FIXED Fix cookie banner preview in customizer
  • FIXED Fix PHP warning in module position rendering (Joomla)

To update to latest version,
Download Latest Yootheme Pro and
INSTALL (not Update) OVER existing version


PsychoDaleic 's signature
raz0r 's signature

Yootheme Pro Updated!!! Joomla


3.0.27 (MARCH 23, 2023)

  • FIXED Fix Bootstrap layer box sizing (Joomla 4)
To update to latest version,
Download Latest Yootheme Pro and
INSTALL (not Update) OVER existing version


PsychoDaleic 's signature
🤔 What's the matter? Did I tell TP that the version is up?
You've got 9 messages on this forum, just asking for an update.
Psycho will upload the update when it'll possible.
Repeat: less rude.
If you need it as soon as it gets out, buy it

Yootheme Pro Updated!!! Joomla


3.0.28 (MARCH 29, 2023)

  • CHANGED Change systemcheck recommendation to PHP 8.1

To update to latest version,
Download Latest Yootheme Pro and
INSTALL (not Update) OVER existing version


PsychoDaleic 's signature
raz0r 's signature
You've got 9 messages on this forum, just asking for an update.
Psycho will upload the update when it'll possible.
Repeat: less rude.
If you need it as soon as it gets out, buy it
Buddy, you got me all wrong. I'm not asking anyone to do anything. I am participating in the life of this forum as much as I can and I am reporting on the release of a new version.

I understood your response to mine (UP)! I am not a native speaker and I write with the help of an interpreter. In WEB DEVELOPING there are generally accepted abbreviations. (UP) is not an order! It is a message that a new version (UPdate) is out.

🖖🏻 I am against conflict! All the best!

P.S. Write your new questions in personal (PM). I'll be glad to chat with you!

Yootheme Pro Updated!!! Joomla


3.0.29 (APRIL 13, 2023)

  • FIXED Fix Exception if upload dir is a remote directory
  • FIXED Fix limit the number of related upsell products and cross-sell products (WordPress)
To update to latest version,
Download Latest Yootheme Pro and
INSTALL (not Update) OVER existing version


PsychoDaleic 's signature

Yootheme Pro Updated!!! Joomla


3.0.30 (APRIL 17, 2023)

  • FIXED Fix Joomla 4.3+ compatibility
To update to latest version,
Download Latest Yootheme Pro and
INSTALL (not Update) OVER existing version


PsychoDaleic 's signature