This is a very basic Reverse Engineered keygen for Wasender 3x. It reuses certain reseller functionality such as purchase code and product id (hardcoded)
WaSender Keygen (python 3.7)
Usage : python3 (run in terminal)
Dependancies: Base64, re, datetime, timedelta, date
import base64
import re
from datetime import timedelta, date
startdate = #today's date # set the date
data = input("What is your Wasender Keyo: ") #wasender key input
daysvalid = int(input("Duration(days): ")) #validity input (in days)
#calculate license duration
enddate = startdate + timedelta(days=daysvalid)
# convert license key to utf-8 & base64 encode
bytes = data.encode('utf-8')
encoded_data = base64.b64encode(bytes)
# convert the encoded key to str.
basecode = encoded_data.decode('utf-8')
#build the keyhash (this should have been done in json). Too Lazy.
hashkey = "{\"ActivationCode\":\""+basecode+"\",\"validDays\":"+str(daysvalid)+",\"StartDate\":\""+str(startdate)+"T14:18:07.2207759-07:00\",\"EndDate\":\""+str(enddate)+"T14:18:07.2207759-08:00\",\"Item_id\":\"35762285\",\"purchasecode\":\"962ca547-45ab-44a2-a7f6-b32163cb809b\"}"
prettyfiedHashkey = hashkey.encode('utf-8')
#encode the license
licenseHash = base64.b64encode(prettyfiedHashkey)
#output to screen
print("Your Encoded Key Hash ")
Example (screenshot)
View attachment 28480
Produced on my smartphone using termius and nano.
Someone here can use this as a blueprint for a php version.