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Akeeba Backup Pro

Akeeba Backup Pro 9.9.6

raz0r updated Akeeba Backup Pro with a new update entry:

Akeeba Backup Pro 9.9.3

New features​

  • Alternate Configuration page saving method which doesn't hit maximum POST parameter count limits
  • Improved support for Joomla! 5.1's backend colour schemes
  • New style for the Backup-on-Update information

Removed features​

  • Remove the deprecated, ineffective CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER flag

Bug fixes​

  • [HIGH] Custom OAuth2 helpers: cannot use refresh tokens with...

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raz0r 's signature

Akeeba Backup for Joomla! 9.9.4 Stable​

Released on: 2024-06-10 01:07 CDT
Show release notes

What's new​

Option to avoid using `flush()` on broken servers. When sending raw data, such as file downloads, we use PHP's flush() function to indicate to the web server to start pushing the data to the user. We have found a stark minority of servers which are misconfigured, causing the web server software to crash when it receives data before PHP has done executing. If you are that single person we saw once in the past seventeen and a half years on that broken server, now there's a setting in the component's Options to disable this behaviour.
Bug fixes and minor improvements. Please take a look at the CHANGELOG below.


New features​

  • Option to avoid using `flush()` on broken servers


  • pkg_akeebabackup-9.9.4-pro.zip
    6.1 MB · Views: 37
raz0r updated Akeeba Backup Pro with a new update entry:

Akeeba Backup Pro 9.9.5

New features​

  • Edit and reset the cache directory (Joomla! 5.1+) on restoration
  • Remove MariaDB MyISAM option PAGE_CHECKSUM from the database dump

Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Backup on Update showed in more Joomla! Update pages than intended
  • [LOW] The [PROFILENAME] tag in backup completion emails returns no or wrong labels
  • [MEDIUM] Some akeeba:profile CLI commands had non-functional options
  • [MEDIUM] Tables or databases named...

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raz0r 's signature
raz0r 's signature

Maintenance release Joomla! 3 - 8.4.0​

This version of Akeeba Backup backports improvements made to the backup engine and the backup software since its last release for Joomla! 3.

This release is part of the extended support of our software for Joomla! 3. Updates to this older software comes very infrequently, and only includes changes which can be conceivably backported to the older versions, within their PHP and Joomla! version support constraints.

We strongly advise clients who are still using Joomla! 3 to upgrade to Joomla! 4 and Joomla! 5 as soon as possible. Extended support for older major versions of Joomla! is subject to time availability, and the constraints of what is technically feasible with older versions of PHP and Joomla!.


New features​

  • Alternate Configuration page saving method which doesn't hit maximum POST parameter count limits
  • Expert options for the Upload to Amazon S3 configuration
  • Option to avoid using `flush()` on broken servers
  • Remove MariaDB MyISAM option PAGE_CHECKSUM from the database dump
  • Restoration: Automatically downgrade utf8mb4_900_* collations to utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci on MariaDB
  • Restoration: Use transactions to speed up large table restoration
  • Restoration: allows you to change the robots (search engine) option
  • Self-hosted OAuth2 helpers
  • Separate remote and local quota settings
  • Support for uploading to Shared With Me folders in Google Drive
  • Upload to OneDrive (app-specific folder)

Removed features​

  • Remove the Joomla! version reminder

Bug fixes​

  • [LOW] Cannot transfer files to DreamObjects and Google Storage using the S3 API
  • [LOW] Deprecation notice in Configuration Wizard
  • [LOW] Restoration error when you have a newer Admin Tools version installed
  • [MEDIUM] Tables or databases named `0` can cause the database dump to stop prematurely, or not execute at all

Miscellaneous changes​

  • Change the wording of the message when navigating to an off-site directory in the directory browser
  • Improve database dump with table names similar to default values
  • Improved mixed– and upper–case database prefix support at backup time
  • PHP 8.4 compatibility changes
  • Prevent backup failure on push notification error


  • pkg_akeeba-8.4.0-pro.zip
    2.6 MB · Views: 8