Transfer the fees to your customer
This module is a must-have module that will allow you to charge additional fees to translate the costs for your customers. It will be a one-time setup fee/service charge. You don't need to pay the fee anymore because your customers will pay the price. You have the option to charge an additional fee for each customer's country because a different gateway company doesn't set the same amount in all countries.
This module is a must-have module that will allow you to charge additional fees to translate the costs for your customers. It will be a one-time setup fee/service charge. You don't need to pay the fee anymore because your customers will pay the price. You have the option to charge an additional fee for each customer's country because a different gateway company doesn't set the same amount in all countries.
- Fees are added automatically to your customer WHMCS invoice
- It works as hook when the customer selects the gateways that have the fees
- Set different rates for different payment gateways (Percentage or Fixed)
- You have the option to add the fees you want based on your payment method
- Multi-Language Support
- Percentage + Fixed Fee can now be used independently
- Allow to Apply fee after taxing or before taxing
- Set different fee for each country
- Set Minimum invoice total to add fee
- Display charge rates depending on available Gateways
- You exclude clients from gateway fee
- Billing Type: Standard - Exclusive Charger or PayPal- Inclusive Charger
- Multi-Currency added with new way (fee per currency)
- Display Calculated Rates For Chosen Gateways
- Option enable /disable Add Fund
- You can choose individual products or all products
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