- Developer
- vanquish
The WooCommerce Eu Vat & B2B (WCEV) NULLED seamlessly integrates an additional EU Vat Number Field into your WooCommerce platform. It will be dynamically shown during the checkout process only if the selected billing country is part of the European Union. The plugin also offers several other options, like a way to validate the field, make it as mandatory or to remove the Taxes if a valid Vat number has been entered. Optionally you make the registration process available only for business (B2B) with a valid Vat number!
The WCEV plugin will also allow you to not charge the Vat taxes for users that have inserted a Vat Number. Tax exemption can be applied to all users with a Vat Number (and optionally even for the ones who have the same billing country as the shop base location: WooCommerce -> Settings -> General -> Base Location).Tax removal will take effect Shop, Product, Cart and Checkout pages. Once a valid Vat Number has been entered on Checkout, My account -> Billing addresses or Registration pages, item prices, and totals will show and billed without taxes.
In case you choose to display the Vat field even for non-Eu users, you can also eventually enable the option to remove taxes for non-Eu who enter a vat number. Note, however, that no validation will be performed for those vat numbers.
The shop admin can also make the Billing company name field as required! So optionally using this option in conjunction with the VIES Vat validation method and the enabling Tax removal option, shop admin can easily make business to business (b2b) sales.NEW: the new Register page – Only business can register option will now allow only valid businesses to register in your store! The entered Vat number will be validated according to the validation options selected and to the selected billing country and if not valid, the user will not be able to register!