- Developer
- SkyVerge
Easily Export Orders, Customers, and Coupons from WooCommerce
While WooCommerce gives you reporting and order fulfillment tools, many merchants still need to use external systems for customer management, order fulfillment, or simply need an easy way to get data out of WooCommerce.We’ve simplified the data transfer from WooCommerce to CRMs, fulfillment providers, or other systems with a customer, order, and coupon exporter that outputs CSV and XML formatted files. The WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export plugin lets you export individual orders, customers, or coupons, bulk export records on-demand, and create multiple automated exports to transfer customer and order data via FTP, HTTP POST, or email. You can also create your own custom formats that can include any customer or order meta.
Best of all, because our export process runs asynchronously in the background on your site, you can complete other tasks or leave your site completely while your export runs!
Customer / Order / Coupon Export Features
- Export customer, order, and coupon data, including custom fields in CSV or XML formats
- Create custom export formats to ensure your files are formatted just right
- Process exports asynchronously so you can export thousands of records while working elsewhere on your site (or taking a well-deserved break!)
- Generate bulk exports on demand to quickly access customer, order, and coupon data based on properties like customer registration date or order status
- Manually export and transfer customer and order data via email, FTP, or HTTP POST
- Create automated exports to create and send customer and order exports on a recurring schedule.
- Compatible with many other plugins including Local Pickup Plus and Checkout Add-Ons. Click here for a full list of known compatible plugins.
Flexible, customizable formats
While we offer a number of predefined formats, you can also create your own customer, order, or coupon formats to ensure your file is organized just right for your business, CRM, or order fulfillment system. Custom formats let you rearrange and add new fields, including meta data and static values, and you can configure your export for CSV or XML outputs.Scheduled, automated exports
You can setup automated exports to send customer and order data via email, FTP, or HTTP POST on a regular schedule. This is ideal for order fulfillment workflows or for updating your mailing lists without any extra work. Once a customer or order is included in an automated export, it will be marked as exported and excluded from any future runs of that export to avoid duplicate.Automated exports can be sent on a recurring basis (e.g. every day or every 5 minutes) and order exports can also be sent immediately after payment.